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Any Experts Out There to Answer Questions About Audience Reports?


Level 5


I've recently activated actionable log files and am having a hard time figuring out the Audience Reporting UI.

I don't understand the relationship of "Platform' and "Conversion Group". In this case I am talking about the Segment Performance report.

A pre-requisite for the actionable log files was to create the data sources "Advertiser Analytics: AAM+DCM Platform" and "Advertiser Analytics: DCM Platform".

What is the relationship between the Platform and the Conversion Group?  Currently I only have a single trait marked as a Conversion Trait, yet i still see old conversion traits that have since had the "Conversion" label removed. Shouldn't I only see a single conversion in the drop down given that my date selection only has a single conversion trait?


Also, what is the difference of the Platforms and if nothing is built under those Data Sources why are they showing up?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Glenn

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