We are having trouble with authorization issue, and if Adobe accept our suggestion, it will be a great help not only for us, but also those who want to grant authority user by user, differently.
We suggest to change authorization system as follows:
1 manage signal(including derived signal) by data sources, as trait and segment does.
2 manage segment and trait folder by data sources, so that we can see folders only that we can access to.
- we want to manage folder as same as we manage trait and segment, and suggest to include "choosing data sources" in the folder addition process. (we want to hide floders that users do not have access to.)
- folder and folder trait are different now, so it makes us confusing.
3 manage profile merge rule function by wild card permission.
- also, if those who have no authority to access functions, we want to hide that tab from the menu bar.
4 hide [payables] and [integrated accounts] tab from the menu bar, except for the administrator account.
5 see data sources only the user have access to.
- the users can access to all data sources now, although they don't have an authority to access some of them.