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Audience Analytics - Analyzing AAM segments with Adobe Analytics




Audience Manager is a robust data management platform that lets you build customer segments from first, second and third-party data sources. This helps advertisers in communicating the most relevant marketing messages to different segments, increase their media efficiency and improve customer experience. But to gain more insights about these individual segments, there are limitations to what Audience Manager can do within its instance.

Enter Audience Analytics, a first of its kind, productized integration of Audience Segments with the powerful data analytics engine powered by Adobe Analytics. Through this integration, marketers can view segment data, such as demographic & psychographic information, CRM data, and ad impression data within their Adobe Analytics instance. It enables them to create segment-specific dashboards and monitor KPIs all in real-time without manual intervention.


  1. You are a customer of both Audience Manager and Adobe Analytics.
  2. You are using the Experience Cloud ID Service v1.5 or later.
  3. Audience manager and Adobe Analytics report suite is mapped to the same Experience Cloud organization.
  4. You use server-side forwarding and have implemented the Audience Management module (no DIL code) - AppMeasurement 1.5 or later.


Now that we’ve determined the requirements for Audience Analytics, let’s delve into how it’s configured.

  1. Turn on server-side forwarding (if you have implemented AAM through SSF, then this would already have been taken care of).
  2. Adobe Analytics Destination:

By default, an Adobe Analytics destination would be created in your AAM instance if you meet the prerequisites, and have a report suite in your Adobe Analytics instance mapped to your Org Id. You will need to edit and configure it to make use of Audience Analytics.

If you do not see this, go ahead and create a new destination (Audience Data > Destinations > Create New Destination)

     3. Configuring Adobe Analytics destination

    • Basic information:
      1. Name the destination. Avoid special characters.
      2. (Optional) Describe the destination for your reference.
      3. (Optional) In the Platform list, leave the default set to All.
      4. In the Category list, select Adobe Experience Cloud.
      5. In the Type list, select Adobe Analytics. Click Save.

               Note: For an Analytics destination, the Auto-fill Destination Mapping checkbox and Segment ID option are selected by default. You cannot change these settings.

    • Data export labels: Select a label that corresponds to the data export control you wish to apply (see Add Data Export Labels to a Destination). For Analytics destinations, the PII check box is selected by default. Click save.
    • Configuration: In this step, you will see the report suites that have been mapped to your org ID and that server-side forwarding turned on. Select the report suite you’d like to pass segment data to. Click save.
    • Segment Mappings: In this section, you can either choose to map all segments automatically or select segments to map manually. Please note that the data export controls will prohibit mapping of conflicting segments. Click done.

Now you are ready to explore the segment data in your analytics interface. Audience segments are accessible throughout analytics in Audiences ID and Audiences Name dimensions, and you can use them just like any other dimensions. Some examples of the way the segments can be used include Analysis Workspace, Segment Comparison, Customer Journey (Flow) in Analysis Workspace, Venn Visualization in Analysis Workspace, Segment Builder and Reports & Analytics and Report Builder.


This feature can be used in a variety of business use-cases, for example analyzing segments based on the lifetime value of users, monitoring media performance through dashboards, conversion process analysis and so on. All of this will be covered in part II of the article on Audience Analytics, so keep an eye on this space.


1 Comment


Level 3


This is a nice explainer on the technical steps required to make AAM data available in AA. Does anyone have any advice on how to actually use that data to get robust insights?


My main challenge is that I want to be able to 'tune out' the effect of some segments having larger populations than others. For example, lets say my Nielsen segments in AAM are as below


Male: 200 million IDs

Female: 300 million IDs


I want to create some overlaps in AA, to understand my young customer audience (500 thousand IDs)

Youth + Male = 200 thousand (40%)

Youth + Female = 300 thousand (60%)


On face value it looks like my young customer audience are mainly female. However, it is not the case, this is simply a product of Nielsen having more data capture on females than males.


Does anyone have a method to apply some type of weighting that would yield the true insight (50% - 50%)???