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Yesterday compared to Yesterday 1 Year ago (Fiscal Year/Week Comparison)


Level 2


I need to compare Yesterday to Yesterday 1 year ago, but in alignment with the fiscal week. So for example, if yesterday was 6/6/22 (Monday), I need to be able to compare that date to Yesterday 1 year ago, but in alignment with the fiscal week, which would be 6/7/21 (Monday). In this scenario, the Monday's compared line up for the same week, just Last Year compared to this Year. 

The problem is that I cannot use the "Date Range Builder" 365 (or 364) days back, because that same Monday 1st week of June 1 this year (6/6/22) could be on a different weekday of last year, which 6/6/21 fell on a Sunday. In this example, it would need to compare to 6/7/21, instead of 6/6/21. The 365 or 364 days back can constantly shift with a fiscal week.

Is there a way around this? The other problem is the "Date Range Builder" only lets you look at current date, so that make it more difficult. Any thoughts or a workaround?

These are my segments and metrics and dates used too (cannot share results because of privacy reasons).








1 Reply


Level 4

You can also choose current week  , did you try like this? click on current day to get multiple options

