Let me lay out the details of the is request obviously numbers will not be correct
What are we trying to do:
1. Capture total count of customer Id's
What we have done:
1. Select one week of data Let's say Oct 1-Oct 7
2. One segment we have unique visitors with customer ID
3. One segment we have hit with customer ID
4. We have created a calculated metric based on the segment
What we have seen when we put the metrics next too each other:
1. The calculated metric with the visitor container 15K total count of UV's.
2. The calculated metric with the hit container 13K total count of UV'S
3. The extra 2K go into the total, but don't have an ID
Our questions
1. Does this happen because the visitor segment piece has a look back window past the time frame we selected
2. What is the look back window 30 days, 90 days, 120 days, unlimited etc.