Hi Expert, I need some help.
Here is some background: I am currently running ads (goal is people filled Marketo Form) with the landing page: abc.com/buy and I am using utag_name=abc_SEM_G_buy_2020-06 to track this in Adobe. The full final landing page when visitor click the ads will be abc.com/buy?utag_name=abc_SEM_G_buy_2020-06
I understand if visitor click the ads, go to landing page and filled the form, Adobe Analytics would be able to track based on the utag name.
Here is my scenario: visitor click the ads, go to landing page BUT didn't not filled the form immediately. The visitor browse through the website first before in the end come back to abc.com/buy to filled form. By this time, the utag_name=abc_SEM_G_buy_2020-06 would already disappear from the url.
1. Does Adobe Analytics able to track this?
2. How do I make Adobe Analytics able to track this under the utag_name=abc_SEM_G_buy_2020-06?
Thanks a lot!