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Survey based audience segment in analytics


Community Advisor

Is it possible to create an audience/segment in analytics based on the survey filled?

Use case: We send emails to our customers to fill out the surveys. Is there a way we can fetch that audience in analytics, those who have filled out the survey? My major motivation is to do personalization via Target and think if we can fetch that in the analytics segment and can be passed to Target to use as an audience. 


is this is something Adobe Analytics can help us in achieve? 


18 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Without knowing the exact setup and what you have access to, we can't say for sure..


I assume that the customers all have a unique id in the system you are using to send out the emails (hopefully not just an email address)? If you can pass the ID as a query string parameter (and maybe other campaign data to indicate more information about the audience, etc) you should be able to use that to identify users (keep in mind that opt-outs or active blocking of analytics could mean that you can't track 100% of your users).


You should then be able to create an audience around that that you can use in Target.


Community Advisor

Yeah I would also go that way. Add a campaign ID that your analytics solution is picking up either through processing rules or explicitly set through tag management (e.g., Launch/Tags).

Typically, I would also add a specific generic success event for any kind of survey completions. Makes it easy to break down by tracking code 

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

Survey portals like Survey Monkey doesn't use our Adobe Launch code so even if I pass UTM to the survey URL then also how can I track that? Don't you think it need our's site launch adobe tracking code to enable tracking?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

So you don't have tracking on your form?


I mean you could look into Data Sources for importing external data into Adobe... but I don't know if you can get enough details out of Survey Monkey's data (I am not sure how you would match user data to your email lists / audience....)


Having the form hosted on your own site would make this a lot easier... and I had assumed that was where your survey was located...


Community Advisor

That's the irony of this survey. That is not like a normal survey form on my domain. We send surveys via email with Survey Monkey or via Microsoft Forms links that are 3rd party portals and evaluate results in the Survey Monkey or MS Form respective accounts only. However plan was to track the audience who has filled out the form but not sure how as I know we lose control over these 3rd party portals when we move from our site. 


Community Advisor

Hmm okay as it seems SurveyMonkey has some kind of Analytics integration you could potentially use.




i haven't gone through all the details but maybe worth having a closer look at it.

but if this makes an individual user identifiable for later segmentation or if it is just aggregated survey data is hard to say.


If Microsoft has a similar support I cannot say, at least I haven't found anything 

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

Trying to check with IT to have these Survey forms enabled on our own domain as web HTML page as this will make tracking and audience segmentation easy. However, will post something if found as solution. thanks


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Wow, that is a bit of a pickle... I hope you can find a solution!


I was going to ask if adding AA onto SurveyMonkey was an option.... 


Community Advisor

Hey @Jennifer_Dungan , so we are moving with MS forms https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customer-voice/embed-web-page however as I could see they go in <iframe> then how would we be able to track it for analytics reporting? Usually <irames> are not trackable? And, they wont be then I wont be able to segment that survey as well?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

You're right.. iframes aren't usually trackable... there are a couple of options.


First, if your developers are coding the forms, and are willing to set up "domain authentication" between the parent and child frames, the developers can use postMessage function to send information from the child frame to the parent, and you should be able to create tracking from that. You just have to make sure that all the info you need is passed from the form to the main page. Work with your developers here to ensure that the security between the parent and child is properly set up.


Now, because of the security concerns, you might get push back on this...




So that leaves "option 2", which isn't ideal, but can be done to get some info. Essentially this requires embedding Launch on the form pages (use a separate property - it can still send to the same suite, but you want to make sure that your rules for tracking are defined for this edge case). You need to make sure that the initial load does NOT trigger a page view (you may want to not have page views at all).


You can create actions for "form failures" and "form submissions", etc. If the form is a multi-part form, you can have a page view, or an action for each "step" depending on your needs, then also the final successful submission.


Now, the problem is that the URL (of the parent) cannot be seen... but you might be able to have your developers pass some "key" values like the URL from the parent to the iframe by adding parameters to the iframe URL.



Parent URL = https://www.domain.com/sectionA/AskForMoreInfo 

Iframe URL = https://forms.domain.com/formA/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.domain.com%2FsectionA%2FAskForMoreInfo


Within the Launch property in the iframe, you can pull the URL from the query parameter, and use that as the "URL" instead of the form URL, for instance. You can pass other basic info for correlation as needed.


Community Advisor

IFrame tracking is possible, as described in this blog.




It is basic browser functionality, BUT it's really cumbersome to implement, since you have to do an integration in the sending (iFrame) as well as the receiving side (outer frame). Depending on your stakeholder needs, things can quickly get more complicated, so I would recommend you keep the events/data to be tracked as minimalistic as possible.

Also bear in mind that the iFrame context is completely different and may not even have a datalayer with usable information or it may look completely different than the datalayer on the outer frame.


So yes, in theory this is possible, you need coding and also you will need to know upfront which iFrame domains you want to listen to as well as which outer domains the iFrame shall be allowed to expose this data to.

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

@bjoern__koth where this set up will be done? At the AEM/backend or at launch?

@Jennifer_Dungan what are your thoughts on this documentation https://www.teamsimmer.com/2023/05/02/how-do-i-use-the-postmessage-method-with-cross-site-iframes/


Community Advisor

It's both sides that need to implement something. The iFrame has to propagate an event and the outer frame has to listen to and process the event and it's payload.

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yes, I had mentioned PostMessage as the first option... the problem with that can be convincing your DevOPs team to allow the cross site / cross domain communication... mine wouldn't allow it... so I couldn't use that method for any of our previous iFramed solutions....


Community Advisor

I will check with my IT if they are willing to do that. Else I will check on option 2 as you did for you


Community Advisor

Why can't the direct call via launch be established? if at the backend IT set up the callback functions and captures the iframe activity that way we can get hit at analytics for event trigger etc 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Even with the cross domain security allowed, you can't read the iframe directly... the developers will have to capture events and pass them to the parent vis PostMessage (that will all be developer work).


You might be able to listen for the PostMessage directly, or maybe not.. this isn't something I've had the luxury of playing with... but even if you can, you need to understand scripting to make the proper listener and extraction.. so you may still need developer support...


Community Advisor

Hi @JyotiSharmaV ,


You can define UTM parameters for your email survey campaign and you can capture that values in Adobe analytics.

In target you can define your audience using query string contain option and create your audiences as per requirement and add personalization.