Hi Everyone!
I was wondering what you all like to look at as far as analyzing performance and providing recommendations and insights as far as branding and awareness? We don't have ecommerce or a way to look at direct ROI. Maybe what are key dimensions you slice on? https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/components/dimensions/overview.
These are some ideas I have but super open to feedback!
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Hi Skatofiabah
I like your ideas. If it comes to general traffic performance I also like to use the hour of day as well as Day of Week day dimension to see what time of day the visits are highest and lowest throughout the week. Then you can adjust your campaign strategy based on that as well. you can optimize your ROI if you also know the time/day the campaigns should be running. If the analysis reveals that traffic spikes on weekdays around noon you could schedule email to be sent on these times instead of low-performing times. You can always specify the table even further by adding a segment in the panel drop down zone such as a specific page, traffic source or something else.
I hope this can bring some inspiration as well.
Hi @Martinej,
So basically I'd want to look and see what day/times most visits are coming to the site and then change our paid media targeting strategy to target users at those times?
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Hi Skatofiabah
It can very helpful in determining what time of day or specific week day you could run your campaigns at. When having this insight, it may become clearer that a campaign isn't running at the best / most optimal time. If you want to increase conversions with an email offer, but it is sent out when people are least active on the site it could be beneficial to try a different time. If you have any specific customer segments, you can explore if they have different traffic behaviours as well: one group of users might be active earlier on the day, whereas another group might be active later on the day.
Also! In relation to paid media. Examining where traffic originates (such as social media, organic search, or other channels) gives clues on the platforms your audience uses most. If you see a strong referral trend from social platforms, for instance, you could increase ad spend there to capture even more interest. Conversely, if you see low engagement from a channel, it might indicate a need to adjust targeting or messaging.
I would say that using the insights from AA helps you create data-based hypothesis about your users. Let's say that from our data we can see that people are more active on tuesdays after work hours on this website (just an example). Then you have a great case for testing this out! If you have Adobe Target or similar testing tools, you could set up a test activity and see if there is an increase in traffic, engagement or other success metrics.
But again, this is just an example. I also like your own ideas very much. There is a lot to dig out from those points as well.
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