I have a login form on page. I am calling the function below on the onSubmit event of the form to capture the click.
var LoginClick = function() {
// Omniture Code
s.linkTrackVars="events, eVar1";
s.tl(true, "o", "Login Clicks");
I used a packet sniffer to check the values being passed to SC. The events are passed but not the eVar1. The value "Login" is assigned to s.eVar1. However, s.tl is passing the evar value alone. In the eVar1 report, it shows up as "none" but the events count show up properly.
I have tried using s.tl(this, ....)... same result.
Ofcourse, s.t() passes all the values (evars and events) however, that would be wrong to use it here.
Can someone please tell what I am doing wrong here?