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Retrieving Overall data from the API


Level 1


I need my product to pull "overall" users from the Adobe API. There is no dimension that I see associated with this (unless I am missing something), and I know if we just use the requests library we can make a request without a dimension (attached below). This does not appear valid through adobe analytics API 2.0 and fails as there is no "dimension" value. Is there a different way to pull "overall" users across years?


{ "rsid": "{rsid}", "globalFilters":[ { "type":"dateRange", "dateRange": "2023-12-01T00:00:00/2024-01-31T23:59:59.999999" }, { "type": "segment", "segmentId": "{segment}" }], "metricContainer": { "metrics": [{"columnId": "Overall", "id": "metrics/visitors" }] "metricFilters": [] }, "settings": { "countRepeatInstances": true, "limit": 10000, "page": 0 } }

3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I am not sure if the visitor id (in the raw data this is a combination of visid_high and visid_low) is available via the API... it's not available in Workspace either....


One of the things I do in my implementation is pass the ECID (which is close, but not exact to the User Identity) into a custom dimension.


This sadly won't help you retroactively....


Level 2

Hi @AndreaKu2 

I am unsure of the actuall requirement as the question is somewhat unclear however you can try testing out Analytics API 2.0 on the swagger page (https://developer.adobe.com/analytics-apis/docs/2.0/apis/) to see if your requirements are being fullfilled there then you can try replicating the same in you code/app


Community Advisor

hi @AndreaKu2,

If I understand your question correctly, you want to retrieve something similar to what we'd see in this table from demo data.  This uses the All Visits segment to return the total count.  If that's right, the JSON object from debugger is below for reference.



"rsid": "{rsid}",
"globalFilters": [
"type": "dateRange",
"dateRange": "2024-06-30T00:00:00.000/2024-07-28T00:00:00.000",
"dateRangeId": "last4FullWeeks"
"metricContainer": {
"metrics": [
"columnId": "metrics/visitors:::0",
"id": "metrics/visitors",
"filters": [
"columnId": "metrics/visits:::2",
"id": "metrics/visits",
"filters": [
"metricFilters": [
"type": "segment",
"segmentId": "All_Visits"
"type": "segment",
"segmentId": "All_Visits"
"settings": {
"countRepeatInstances": true,
"includeAnnotations": true
"statistics": {
"functions": [
"capacityMetadata": {
"associations": [
"name": "applicationName",
"value": "Analysis Workspace UI"