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Referrrer type missing numbers for unique visitor and visits


Level 1

Hi all,

In the table below, out of 557 unique visitors, 121 have a referrer type specified. Similarly, out of 569 visits, 127 have a referrer type specified. Where are the rest of the unique visitors and visits?

Thank you 



4 Replies


Community Advisor

Try breaking out by referrer instead of referrer type.  See if you get similar values.  When I broke out by referrer type I don't see typed/bookmarked.  When I broke out by referrer, the overall total was the same.  Those without a referrer also didn't have a referrer type.


Level 1

With referrer it is the same numbers I get so where are the rest of the visitors and visits?adobequestion.png


Level 1

Consider these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Data Collection: Ensure the tracking code is correctly implemented and free of JavaScript errors.
  2. Processing Rules: Verify that processing rules and referrer configurations are correctly set up.
  3. Traffic Filtering: Check internal and bot filtering settings to ensure they aren't excluding legitimate traffic.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

There are 2 things that I notice here...


First, are you tracking your Mobile Apps into the same suite? Mobile App don't trigger referrers, so that could be one difference between your UVs and your UV Referrer Types...


The other thing is, if the referrer is potentially sending some garbage data that Adobe can't understand, it's possible that this information is stripped out from the final results that show here...


You might need to look into the raw data to try and dig deeper into the discrepancy.