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"Typed/Bookmarked" occuring in Marketing Channel Report under Referring Domains


Level 1

When doing a marketing channel report in Adobe Workspace, I have a few occurences (around 40%) of "Typed/Bookmarked" referrers in my "Referring Domains" Channel:




The "Direct" Marketing channel is defined by non-existent referrers and the page reported has to be the first one of the visit. "Referring Domains" is defined as the variable "Referring Domains" is not empty.In our case we are setting the value for "Referrer" in Adobe Launch via the JS query "document.referrer", which is the same way I learned Adobe is setting "Referring Domain" (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/components/dimensions/referring-domain.html?lang=e...), so using either one should not make a difference the way I see it.


Also the site tends to redirect (domain.tld usually directing to domain.tld/language/home). In that case, document.referrer is empty (hence set to "Typed/Bookmarked"). However, this would then rather qualify as "Direct" as the page eventually sending the pageview hit is the first one of the session. I also checked for internal URL filters, but they seem to be ok as well, as the page usually redirecting is the same domain as the one it directs to. These are the marketing channel processing rules:


The way I see it, everything should work fine. Could you help?

6 Replies


Level 4


Community Advisor
Can you show a screenshot of your Marketing Channel table, but broken down by Marketing Channel Detail instead?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Since I am unable to see the full order of your Marketing Channel layout, I cannot completely prescribe what issue may be happening.  Remember that Marketing Channel rules are executed in the order they appear, which means something else could be affecting your outcome.  Also, just a reminder that anything you review must be as of the date you implemented your rules, because they are not retroactive like Classification rules.  I'm just covering my bases here, because I don't like making assumptions.

Going from there, please also keep in mind that Typed/Bookmarked (default) also checks for a non-existent referrer, so you have may have some conflicts going on that I am otherwise currently unable to see from what you provided.
More details, as requested by @yuhuisg may help to better understand the issue.  Thanks!


Level 1

I would love to chat through our Marketing Channel Processing Rules with someone and clean them up.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@kristenj7241754 This is something we've been talking about doing in an upcoming Adobe Analytics User Group meeting.  We also regularly have Office Hours, and we are always open to questions about these kinds of things, especially if they are asked beforehand when we send out our pre-meeting surveys.  Make sure to join our groups beforehand, and you'll get a survey in the next meeting invite!


Level 1

Thanks for the answers. The reason why these values appear in the marketing channel report is because "Referring Domains" overwrites the last touch channel. When a user enters the page directly after previously having accessed it via referrer, that user is attributed to the "Referring Domains" marketing channel. As in this scenario the referrer is not set as the user directly accessed the page, this results in "Typed/Bookmarked" entries within that marketing channel.

When checking the "Marketing Channel Detail"-Dimension which is being set by the processing rules, only actual referrers appear in the report, so the processing rules themselves are correct and the issue was, in fact, due to persistency of marketing channel information.