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"No data to display" error in my reports


Level 1

Hi everyone,


I'm running into an issue where I have prompts set up on a report that produces a bar chart. When I run the report with no selection on my prompts I'm able to click on the bars that populate on my bar chart which pops open a window where I can see further information. When I select my prompts however, and then I run my report, I'm able to click on the bars that populate, but in the window that pops up, I keep getting the error "No data to display"


Any help?


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6 Replies


Level 1

Did some further investigation and it looks like it's happening when I choose more than one option within one prompt. Looks like I can't seem to stack options within one report prompt, any guidance as to why?


Adobe Champion

Hey @BilqeesZ ,

Would you be able to post a screenshot for understanding this issue better? Also, can you please confirm below-

1. Verify that the report suite that you have selected in the workspace corresponds to the variables that you are looking to create bar chart from? Are you seeing any data in freeform table?

2. Do you have access to the report suite on which you are trying to query data?





Level 1

Hi Isha, thank you for your response, I unfortunately won't be able to provide a screenshot as it contains sensitive data. My team and I have found an alternate solution so all good now. Thanks again



Hi @BilqeesZ

Were you able to resolve this query on your own or do you still need help here? Do let us know.


Sukrity Wadhwa


Level 1

Hi Sukrity,


Thank you for reaching out. My team and I have found an alternate solution so all good now. Thanks again



Hi @BilqeesZ,

I'm glad that you were able to resolve your issue! Would you mind sharing it here with the community as well? Even if not the full solution, an overview of what worked for you could be really helpful for others facing similar challenges.


Sukrity Wadhwa