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Pulling more than 40k segments with Super Metrics and in general with Adobe Analytics API


Level 1

I am building a Dashboard with Google Data Studio and I am pulling the data from Adobe Analytics with Supermetrics.


Due to Adobe API it is possible to retrieve only 40k segments, and for this reason, and after talking with Super Metrics Customer Service, it seems that I am not able to pull all the segments that I need to build the dashboard.


Maybe this is also related to the fact that the API pull the segments in an unsorted way, maybe I am wrong on this point.


So I need to understand:

  • How can I know in a very quick way the number of segments that my organization created on Adobe Analytics?
  • If I delete the most obsolete segments this operation will update the plugin and I will be able to pull the most recent segments?
  • Why there is this limit?
2 Replies


Level 10
I can't imagine how it's possible to utilise 40k segments, govern and maintain them in a proper way. Could you share the use cases for having so many segments in the account?


Level 1

I noticed that some segments are duplicated like "Entries". 

I don't know how they are counted, as an example if I create multiple reports where some metrics are duplicated, for whatever reason, how they are counted by the API?


Another thing that I ignore is how to count quickly all the segments that they have, in order to understand why there is this problem.


There are some  options that I assumed:

  • The client has more than 40k segments, some are replicas and Adobe Analytics was not set up properly
    • How to check this?
  • The connector has a bug and is not communicating properly with Adobe and there is a bug in the connector.
    • I am already talking with the connector support team to understand if it is not a connector bug

Any suggestion to investigate my concerns?


Thank you for your time!