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Problems with scheduling reports


Level 2

Hello, I am having problems with a scheduled report because the received Excel file contains no data (equal to 0) related to marketing channel metrics that are instead shown correctly in the Adobe dashboard. Has this ever happened to anyone? What is the cause?
Could this be a temporary issue since, until yesterday, the Excel file showed all the tracking correctly?

4 Replies


Adobe Champion

Hi @MichelaTa ,

Maybe try one of below steps?


1. Can you try to download the file from workspace and check if export has any issues?

2. Can you check date of data export and scheduling options? If not, can you try to run one off schedule for the specified date range? It could be an error in the scheduled run once and may not happen again?

3. If you are still having issues, I think you may need to reach out to Adobe client care.





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

For the scheduled report, I assume you're exporting as a csv not a pdf, since you mention getting an excel file.

Can you tell us more about the scheduled report? What time is it sent and what is the time period in your dashboard? If, for example your dashboard is an hourly report and you send it out every hour, if the data hadn't loaded at the time it sent, it would be 0. Did the excel file still have all the headers, just no data in it?


I would say wait until the next report is supposed to come out, see if it works right. If not, check the dashboard in workspace, make sure that the data is there. Try doing an immediate export (click project then download csv) and see what it does. If that works, but your scheduled report still isn't, then like @igupta said, you'll probably need to reach out to client care.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Not like I have much more to add on top of what @igupta and @MandyGeorge have said, but I am going to assume since you mentioned


until yesterday

That this report has been running fine for some time (it's not a new report).


It looks like there may have been a small issue around the time of this post... and I assume that this was also the window in which your report was sent...


It's possible that there was data processing latency, or an issue with the report generation that might have caused the issue you experienced.


Like the others, I would see if the next schedule runs correctly... if not, additional information (like Mandy said about was the entire file empty, or were the headers there, but no information was included, etc) would help... and client care can also help dig deeper into the logs if the issue persists.



Community Advisor

hi @MichelaTa - are you using Report Builder?  If so, I encountered a similar issue this week.  After much troubleshooting to no avail, I recreated the project and it's working as expected.