Hi team,
The filter is Created based on the fan include and event Container how does the values differs if we use it like this
which one would give the best values to consider on creating a filter
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Hi @dineshpr
can you please give a little more context e.g., add screenshots and describe what type of website we are looking at, and what you want to achieve?
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Hi @dineshpr ,
As @bjoern__koth mentioned more details are needed to understand your specific use case. In the meantime you can refer to Segment Containers documentation for general understanding of how the different containers work.
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Hi @bjoern__koth
This is the filter which was used before it has a specific customer engagement with targeted ids
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Hi @dineshpr ,
It looks like your organization has renamed the "person" container to "fan." So when you see others talking about "person", that's the same as "fan" for you.
If you have a fan level container, it's going to look at all of the data for each person visiting your site. If the conditions are met, it will return all the information for that person.
At an event level, an event is a single hit/action. So that means that all the conditions need to happen in the same hit. I see you have two conditions, a journey version and an audience segment. Putting these in an event container means they both have to happen in the same event.
If you were to put the two conditions in a fan level segment without the event container, it means that the person would have to see that journey version at some point, and then also see the audience segment, but not necessarily at the same time. At the fan level, both need to exist at some point in that customers journey, but not necessarily together.
The event container means that they both have to happen together in the same event. Then putting the event container into a fan segment means that it will return all of the information for fans that have at least one hit/event that matches both of those conditions.
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Hi @dineshpr ,
In adobe customer journey analytics, you can create a filter based on person, session and event.
The person container include every visits and page view for the visitors within a specified time frame.
Person container can include values based on visitors overall history like days before first purchase, or original entry page or original referring domain and so on.
The event container defines which page events you would like to include or exclude from a filter. It is the most narrow of the container available to let you identify the specific clicks and page views where a condition is true letting you view a single tracking code or isolated behavior within a particular section of your site.
The session containers on the other hand, let's you identify page interactions, campaigns or conversions for a specific session.
I hope this information help you.
Can you please provide me the more details on your condition, will help you to create a filter.
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