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Page View vs Product View


Level 1

What is the difference between a page view and a product view when looking at a products report. Shouldn't they be the same when looking at a specific product?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear Jeff,

As stated earlier and by Ishan, there is gap in the implementation.

You are not setting s.prodview event on every s.t() call of your Product Details Page and thus you see that Page Views were higher than Prod Views. Make sure that your Business Logic to capture Product Views is based on Page Views and if so, fix the implementation because Business requirement might omit reloads or post page load s.t() calls.

Thank You


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8 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear Jeff,

Both should be same for your Product Details Page. However, if there are gaps in implementation, then it might differ.

What do you see? Product Views higher than Page Views or vice versa?

If you can provide more details, we can come to a conclusion.

Thank You!



Level 1

Hi Pratheep

In my case, product views are coming more than pageViews. Even a custom event is also configured which is equal to the product views.

Please let me know the scenario where page views can be less than product views.



Employee Advisor

Hi jeffe91107​,

The numbers of Page Views and Product Views would depend on the implementation. Page Views are counted when there is a s.t() call triggering to Analytics. Product Views, on the other hand, are counted whenever s.prodView is triggered as an event in s.event variable.

If s.prodView is always fired with the page view call on the Product Details page, the numbers would be same. However, it doesn't seem to be the case here.

Hope this clarifies! Thanks!


Level 1

I'm seeing a larger number of Page Views than Product Views.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear Jeff,

As stated earlier and by Ishan, there is gap in the implementation.

You are not setting s.prodview event on every s.t() call of your Product Details Page and thus you see that Page Views were higher than Prod Views. Make sure that your Business Logic to capture Product Views is based on Page Views and if so, fix the implementation because Business requirement might omit reloads or post page load s.t() calls.

Thank You



Level 4
@PratheepArunRaj I also have same problem, for my implementation also pageviews is greater than prodview. So, what is the recommended way to implement the same. Do you suggest to add s.t() call, if not then what can be possible reasons for the same.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear bindukumari1990,

See, ProductView is not a default event that is set whenever the Product Variable is set. I understand Adobe has the description that the metric counts the number of hits that match either of the following:

1. The value prodView exists in the events variable; or
2. The products variable is set, and no shopping cart events exist in the events variable. Any event that is not custom (event1 - event1000) is a shopping cart event.

But, I really doubt the #2 based on my experience. So, if you would have set the prodView on every Page View Call (s.t()), you should see the same numbers.

Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B | Xerago | Terryn Winter Analytics


Level 3
@PratheepArunRaj then what is recommended way i.e to include s.t() or not?