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Mobile SDK Lifecycle - SessionInfo


Level 4

In Mobile SDK5, to implement lifecycle metrics, I am aware that we add the 'lifecycle start' and 'lifecycle pause' in onResume and onPause blocks respectively in native code. We get calls hence which can be seen in Reports under Custom Links as - AMACTION:Lifecycle.and SessionInfo. 


Was wondering how is SessionInfo call triggered? Since i dont see it being called explicitly in code. Or does adding lifecycle code to onResume and onPause by defaults enables this as well. 

2 Replies


Community Advisor

The Lifecycle metrics contains all of the Session Info functionality, things like Launches, First Launches, Crashes, Upgrades, Days Since First Use, Days Since Last Use, etc. You shouldn't need to explicitly call that.


Community Advisor

Dear @V_Sirish_Kaushik1 ,

Yes, your understanding is correct. You need to initiate the LifeCycle (start) during the App Initiation. Then, you can pause the LifeCycle (Pause) during the app background and resume the LifeCycle (Start with context resume) during the app foreground. 

When you implement the above, LifeCylce metrics are captured/calculated in Adobe Analytics by default. Nothing more to implement other than the case when you need additional context variables to add during the lifecycle events.

Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow DigitalTerryn Winter Analytics