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Minimum permission required for Target users to see Analytics report suites within Target


Level 2

Hi all


I'm a system admin for my organization, and we have an existing group of Adobe Target users who requires viewing Analytics report suites for Target activities. I do have an existing Analytics user group that provides this for our target users but I'm unable to pinpoint the specific permission that enables this linkage between Analytics and Target. Does anybody know the exact permission/function that needs to be turned on?


I'm asking as the current user group is also providing access to bunch of unnecessary functions so I want to whittle it down but at the same time not take away the intended purpose of this group. Many thanks in advance!

3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @BrandonGo1,

These are the pages that explain what each permission does



Going through them, I don't see anything that is specific to the A4T panel. Everything on the Target side they should have access to with the product profile for that tool. In the workspace side, as long as they have access to "Analysis Workspace" in the analytics tools, they should be able to use the A4T panel. The permissions are related to the users and what they can do, not how the tool works. Since the only thing done with the data in workspace is just the analysis of it, that should let them do what they need to. I would also suggest letting them create metrics and segments, since that can be useful too, but those technically optional.


Level 4

Hi @BrandonGo1 

I haven't tried managing these permissions but based on the information provided in A4T User permission requirements documentation, it seems that you need below permissions,

  • You need both an Analytics user account and a Target user account, and both of these accounts must be linked to your Adobe ID.
  • You must have access to the AA report suite through AA product permissions. This can me managed under Permissions -> Report Suites in AA product profile
  • You must have access to Web Service Access through AA product permissions. This can be managed under Permissions -> Analytics Tools in AA product profile
  • You don't need any additional permissions in Target




Hi @BrandonGo1,

Were you able to resolve this query with the help of the given solutions or do you still need more help here? Do let us know. In case the given solutions were helpful, then kindly choose the one that helped you the most as the 'Correct Reply'.

Sukrity Wadhwa