I am not able to download my certificate
Hi @ShreyaVe1,
Are you referring to the Adobe Certifications? As in, you have passed a certification level and are unable to download it?
Do you have any plugins that might be interfering? Or possibly try another browser?
I don't know who runs the cert program, but maybe one of the employees here does, but I can try to make some inquiries... but it may not be fast, since I don't know the proper channel....
Hey @ShreyaVe1, In the new portal, you can go to Support -> Contact Us and create a ticket from there - https://certification.adobe.com/support/contactus?%2Fsupport%2Fcontactus. Someone from the Certification portal team should be able to help.
@ShreyaVe1 Did you find the suggestion helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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Hi @FarazHusain ,
I guess the real question here is how to download the certificate from the new adobe certification portal in the PDF format, which was possible in old platform. In the new portal I can see only an option to view the badge and a link to verify the same. But it will be helpful and more handy if we can have it in a PFD format like we used to have before. Also as moved to the new platform, I did not get any emails from Adobe stating the final result(which is suppose to receive within 72 hrs after the exam). But I am able to see badge in new portal under achievements.
Hey @Vigin_George, Yeah, I agree, even I'm not able to download any of my older certificates. I reached out to support via the same portal, and as per them, it seems all you have is the share option now but no PDF download.