We are looking for User activities on www.columbiathreadneedleus.com site. We had already DTM, adobe setup and currently, the customer comes to any pages DTM pushing data to Adobe layer.
Here we are trying to get the specific user activities from Adobe API.
For example:
User1 -> comes to page A << 2 evars, 3 props>> and page B << 4 evars, 5 props>>and page c
User 2 -> comes to Page A and Page B
User 3 -> comes to Page A
How can I get the visited URLs, evars, props data with respect to User1 visited, we need an end to end visited flows? Is there any API available to get this data?
Is there any Feed File or report API available to see last 4 hours user activities data i.e. Users visited and these are the activities they are performed in the site?
Kindly please help us to solve this question.