We have created UserID as evar and are receiving userID in report, How can i now calculate my own unique visitor based on userID. We dont want to user defaut unique visitor variable.
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You can't? At least not in Adobe Analytics....
If you are on CJA I can use the Device Graph feature, and possibly other tools to merge content into the "People" metric and use that in lieu of UV...
I don't have CJA, and while not a perfect solution, I have a calculated metric using "Approximate Count Distinct" on my internal user ids to try to get a sense of my known users in some reports... but segments for me are still based on Adobe's UV...
As @Jennifer_Dungan mentioned, there is no alternative to UV metric in AA but you can create a visitor level segment on the eVar being set and apply that to your Out Of the Box UV metric. This is similar to the way Jennifer mentioned she is using a calculated metric, so you so it either ways.
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And you can use the Visitor ID service or a Vista rule that will swap your GUID for the Adobe ID, and reporting will use your ID to dedupe visits and visitors.
Some years ago part of our company used the Vista rule method to do cross device tracking for registered users. First we copied the traffic in question into a secondary report suite. Then in that secondary report suite, the Vista rule replaced the Adobe id with the custom registered GUID. Visitors were deduped (across devices) based on the Custom GUID.
Of course, depending on your level of need, this might be like using a formula1 car to do your grocery shopping.
LOL, I love the analogy @RobertBlakeley
and now I have a picture in my head of a formula1 car in the grocery click and collect area....
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May be we put this in the ideas section. We need more than a Like button for a few responses like the one from Robert
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