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Event reporting, how to exclude artificial/erroneous data from reports


Level 1



For a period of time some of our pages tracked the same event no. multiple times on a single page load. This has resulted in an artificially high event count (double what it should be). Is there a way within Adobe Analytics to retroactively half the number of events tracked for a specific set of pages? Unfortunately I'm not able to do this via a segment.




2 Replies


Level 8

@graham_21 Is your goal to truly "half" the number of events, or is it to get a unique count of the event? Should the event count each the page loads (could be multiple times per visit if the visitor loads the page multiple times), or only a single time for the visit? 


Level 1
Hi Brian. The event should fire once on a page load but can fire multiple times during a visit if the user visits more than one page during their visit. We operate a news site if that helps.