I am trying to find unique number of logins through Adobe analytics. This is in a mobile app journey. I am using below formula for visits:
But is there possibility that customer can login more than one time in 1 viist. Hence, it is not an apple to apple comparison for visit with login metric. If that is the case how to dind number of unique logins then?
PS: A login means a complete session when the user logsin and do activities before it auto logs out or we logout
Sandhya S
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If you use Analysis Workspace, you can do this:
The resulting table reports the number of visit-based logins per each value of your reported dimension.
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This really depends on how your app functions....
Then of course there is the issue of if the app crashes, and the user reopens, they will probably have to log in again, but they are still within the 30 min visit window.. so as far as Adobe is concerned, it's the same visit...but a new login for you.
In order for you to find unique logins... you will need to have tracking that is associated to the login action (separately from your visits)... This can be done through many ways, but I have a trackAction specifically for "login actions" that set a specific "successful logins" custom event...
@Jennifer_Dungan "Then of course there is the issue of if the app crashes, and the user reopens, they will probably have to log in again, but they are still within the 30 min visit window.. so as far as Adobe is concerned, it's the same visit...but a new login for you." oh this cpould be the reason. Then hwo to find unique logins? Any way I can do it? Because login is mandatory to do any transactions or activities. I am not considering pre logins anyway like cutsomer browsin the app without logging in. Please advise how to find unique logins? anyway i can identifiy based on the variables or nything? we have a formula for viists, smilarly do we have anythin for logins? Whats trackAction? I dont get it.
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Mobile Apps have two functions (just like web tracking has 2 functions).
trackState in mobile app is the equivalent of s.t() (i.e. a page view)
trackAction in mobile app is the equivalent of s.tl() (i.e. Custom Link / Non-Page View Action)
A login event (unless you are deferring the tracking to the first page view following a login action in order to reduce server calls), would be an action (trackAction in mobile app or s.tl() on your website).
This is how you need to track your actual login events in your mobile app.... Your developers need to trigger the action, and with processing rules you need to apply what custom event you want to represent your actual logins.
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If you use Analysis Workspace, you can do this:
The resulting table reports the number of visit-based logins per each value of your reported dimension.
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Hi @yuhuisg Thanks for your reply. But I dont get the 1st step
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Sorry, I thought you already had a success event / metric for counting logins, since you had mentioned about comparing "comparison for visit with login metric".
Do you have any dimension to track if the user is logged in, e.g. a dimension to track user ID, or "logged in" value, or something like that? If so, then you could do this:
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Hi @yuhuisg Sorry i dont have any login metrci. But what I understand in a visit customer can login multiple time within 30 min window. What i want is how many times did customer login. Visits metric wont give me this. I have user_id field. I created a metric dragging user id. what condition should i fill? I set user_id exists? or what else?
I did above but getting same value as visits.
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@Sandhyas wrote:I created a metric dragging user id. what condition should i fill?
Can you show a screenshot of this metric that you've created?
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That looks correct to me.
I assume that when the user is not logged in, then that Customer ID (v38) is also not set, i.e. no value is tracked to it.
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Yes thats right. It still gives me total visits only anyway and not logins.
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Right... this will just show visits where users are logged in... not "login events"
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