If we have a classification set up in classification rule builder and we also have one set up in classification importer for the same classification, which one takes precedent?
For example, we set up page classifications using the rule builder but we also use classification importer, which will show in reporting?
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Good question. Do you have a specific reason why you are doing so e.g., do you want to classify specific ones and have generic values for the rest?
I could also not find anything in the documentation. Have you already tried anything yourself?
Like @bjoern__koth I am not entirely sure... but I believe that the "last" rule applied might take precedence??
However, if you do have conflicting rules, the only way to know for sure is to pass the matching value in, and see which rule is actually used??
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Probably. If you have a rule that is setting valueA and a scheduled importer e.g., through FTP that runs and sets valueB, this will likely constanly override each other.
So, it may really depend on the usecase. Maybe a question for the support.
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The outcome will entirely depend on the settings that give each system precedent. If Rule Builder is set to overwrite on conflicts, then it will do that. Otherwise, it will not replace the previous value.
Likewise, if the overwrite on conflicts box is checked when uploading the manual table, it will do that. Otherwise, it will not replace the original value from the Rule Builder.
Both the rule builder and the importer feed into the same master classification file. If you set up a rule and concurrently upload a manual import, there will be an initial race to populate any given classification record. Once the record is populated, the overwrite on conflict flag will determine what happens next. If the flag is disabled, then the original value will remain no matter what. If the flag is enabled, then the last update will always have precedence.
Also, the classification rule builder runs every 4 hours. However, the SLA for classification to update is 24-72 hours.
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