I'm new to CJA and need some assistance with a solution.
I would like to remove the test profile metrics from the reporting dashboard. For example, before launching the journey, I tested some audience segments (test audience) outside of test mode. Now, I want to exclude all metrics related to these test profiles, such as opens, clicks, etc. Is it possible to exclude test profiles by setting a specific date range or applying any condition to filter out these profiles? Alternatively, can I exclude specific segments from the reports?
Note: Those all the profile was test profile
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@Martinej @fhusain @igupta @MandyGeorge @Jennifer_Dungan
Please help on this query
Unfortunately, I don't have CJA, so I am not the best person to answer this... I was watching this to see if help came, and was going to step in with a "best guess", or documentation to investigate if nothing else had come in, but it looks like @FarazHusain has provided a potential solution.
Hey @Ajo_WisdomChase, If you don't want these metrics to be available entirely inside your dataview, then I think you can remove these metrics from the Dataview -> Components setting.
If you want to exclude data from your data view, then I think you can build a exclude filter using these metrics on the data view - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics-platform/using/cja-components/cja-filters/filte...
Hope this helps.
Hi @FarazHusain ,
I want to exclude specific set of audience whose profile attribute value is testProfile='true'.For example, in a journey with 100 profiles, 10 of those are test profiles. I need to remove the 10 test profiles and display the metrics for the remaining 90 profiles only.
If possible, could you please provide a step-by-step process or share any relevant documentation?
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Hey @Ajo_WisdomChase Thank you for clarifying. Are these profile attributes related to Adobe Target parameters that are specific to a visitor? If so, I'm not sure what your component looks like inside CJA, otherwise, I would have suggested playing with Component settings such as Include/Exclude value etc which are explained in detail here - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics-platform/using/cja-dataviews/component-settings...
If this doesn't help, I would suggest logging a support ticket, and our CJA team might suggest something if this is possible.
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