1. What we do see is an increase in the BOT Occurrences (853666) more than BOT Page view (0)?
2. Please let me know How should I debug this?
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Hi @reddy_y-11 can you please provide more details on the issue:
@reddy_y-11 Usually, Bot Occurrences will be more than Bot Page Views. As Bot Page Views won't include s.tl() calls, but the Bot Occurrences will include s.tl() along with s.t() calls.
In you case, are you getting Bot Page Views as 0? I see that in your question.
First, I would ask you to check what dimensions are you using with these metrics? These metrics will only work with Bot name, Page and Time dimensions.
Second, As @aa_from_savoy mentioned, did you changed any bot rules recently? I would check that too!
Hi @reddy_y-11 this is a hard thing to check... I have the similar behaviour on my side (Occurrences is higher than Page Views, but I do have page views), but unfortunately Adobe doesn't have full correlation available... Bot reports have always been very limited in what can be done with them... basically the only dimension that seem to be available are "Page" and "Bot Name"....
I can't say for sure, but I would expect all the data to be available in a Raw Data Feed export, where you could see more detail about each hit... but if you aren't set up for processing Raw Data Feeds this could be a bit of a lift to even start an investigation....
For the record, my implementation is using AppMeasurement and I've made no changes to Bot Rules in a few years. We have some custom IP address rules set up, plus the standard IAB Rules.
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Thank you! all for sharing your view.
@reddy_y-11 Can you confirm you are getting Bot Page Views as Zero(0) but not Bot Occurrences?
Aside from you saying you have no "bot page views" (waiting on confirmation of that), I suspect that since "bot occurrences was never part of the original metrics available in the old Reports & Analytics, that occurrences were always there and always should have been higher....
But here is another question... @reddy_y-11 have you recently implemented tracking conditions such as OneTrust settings where you have restricted tracking unless explicitly opted in... and are those conditions properly applied to all your rules.... as in, could the Page Views be 0 because the bots aren't opting in... but the occurences are still firing for other actions because there is no condition on those rules?
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