Hi guys,
I've just started to use Analytics API 2.0 and specifically Reports functionality.
My goal is to pull a geo report from API with the following dimensions:
From what I understand from documentation for API 2.0 there is only one way to pull multiple dimensions data: https://www.adobe.io/apis/experiencecloud/analytics/docs.html#!AdobeDocs/analytics-2.0-apis/master/r...
So I wanted to confirm what could be the best practice to pull data I need.
1. Get report with "dimension": "variables/daterangeday"
2. Get report with filter "itemId": "<myday>" and "dimension": "variables/geolatitude"
3. Get report with filter "geolatitude": "<mylatitude>" and "dimension": "variables/geolongitude"
This approach will create a multiple API calls for so many reports and I wanted to ask if this is really an optimal way to get the data I need or there could be some better approach?
Thanks in advance,