When deciding between Hit, Visit and Visitor containers, it is helpful to remember this: each condition represents a Hit condition. So when you have
visit {
* page equals (distinct count) = 1
* page type equals any of = product
Then you're segmenting for visits where some hits have page distinct count = 1 and some hits where page type = product, but NOT where some hits are both page distinct count = 1 and page type = product.
E.g. your segment would include this visit:
Hit 3: satisfies page distinct count = 1 BUT page type != product
Hit 10: page type = product BUT page distinct count != 1
If you want the hits to satisfy both conditions, then you'll need to change your segment to be like this:
visit {
hit {
* page equals (distinct count) = 1
* page type equals any of = product
i.e. segment for all visits where some hits are both page distinct count = 1 and page type = product.
I'm not sure if you should also include the last condition within this inner Hit container, but hopefully the above explanation provides some helpful starting steps for you to figure out AA's segmentation feature.