We are running a multi channel digital campaign. When looking at Adobe Analytics data we are finding that the LPV ( landing page) stats are higher than even the clicks recorded in GCM. This is for all channels trafficked through The Trade Desk- audio, video, display, publisher placements etc.
Looking into bot traffic, bot crawlers etc but does not seem to be the contributor. Brand Safety in place via IAS.
Any suggestions? Could there be an issue with the way Adobe Analytics is ingesting UTMs?
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Hello Sujatha,
Are you looking at overall visits of Landing Page(LPV)? if yes, then you need to drilldown with the appropriate channel/tracking code to check the specific visits data.
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Thanks for your feedback. We have drilled down by channel/source and all active delivering channels show the same pattern, more LPV in Adobe than clicks in GCM.
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Marketing Channels by default have a 30 day attribution.. if you are looking at "landing pages" by Marketing Channel X you could be pulling back inflated numbers:
If you are just looking at Marketing Channel by page, you could be seeing ALL instances of your Landing Page, one of those coming direct from your campaign, and the others being within the attribution window....
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