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adobe analytics on ios error


Level 1



I develop an hybrid application with capacitor. I have adobe analytics. It runs on Android but on iOS each page has a new idvisitor, so each page is a new application visit.


I've got an error in log:


[warn] - [alloy] [Identity] Identity cookie not found. This could be caused by any of the following issues:

* The org ID [My org id]@AdobeOrg configured in Alloy doesn't match the org ID specified in the edge configuration.

* Experience edge was not able to set the identity cookie due to domain or cookie restrictions.

* The request was canceled by the browser and not fully processed.


I initialize my adobe like this:


this.alloy = createInstance({ name: 'alloy' });
await this.alloy('configure', {
datastreamId: [ADB_DATA_STREAM_ID],
orgId: [ORG_ID]


My version: 


"@adobe/alloy": "^2.20.0",


can anyone help me? thanks


1 Reply


Level 4

This seems to be an issue with Apple's hybrid web component that is using ITP restrictions, which is likely blocking setting a cookie. Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you on what steps to take in allowing cookies to be set, but perhaps this will give you a lead. I also found this post talking about issues with a similar setup, but its not exactly the same: Capacitor iOS / Cookie Authentication / capacitor/http - Capacitor - Ionic Forum (ionicframework.com...

The cookie referred by the error message is (where [ORGIDNUMBER] is your specific ORG ID):