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Adobe Analytics - New Vs Repeat always showing new


Level 1

I am currently implementing Adobe Analytics using AppMeasurement for a client. On the staging site, the "new vs. repeat visitor" metric always shows as "new," while it works correctly as "repeat" on the production site. The e_mcid (Marketing Cloud ID) is the same for both environments. Could this issue be related to the cookie domain or its expiration period? What additional settings should I check to resolve this issue?

8 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Skharote 

This sounds less like an issue with the analytics integration, more like cookies cannot be written, and hence, every hit is interpreted as new user. Do you have any functionality that could potentially impact if cookies are written like a consent management platform? Else, any ad blockers or similar installed?


Alternatively, is your stage environment's domain structure fundamentally different from PROD?

Maybe worthwhile checking the cookieDomainPeriods settings - though nowadays this should be detected automatically.


And to clarify, is the prod version the same as staging or is it an old implementation that shall be replaced by stage?

Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 1

Thankyou for the reply.

The prod version is same as staging. Cookie domain for stage is 3 and prod is 2 I have already set s.cookiedomainperiods based on URL. When I run the same launch script on prod, everything is working fine i.e. I can see repeat visitors


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Some QA environments don't allow JS to write cookies... I have had that issue before.. there wasn't anything I could do about it either...  can you see other s_ cookies being set in your QA environment?


Community Advisor

This might be the issue. That setting is just determining on which domain level the cookie shall be set.

Have you tried using 2 for staging as well?


Unless you are having a for instance .co.uk domain, leave it unset




Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 1

Thanks, Cookie domain period is already set based on URL


Community Advisor

Hi @Skharote 

but are the values identical on stage and prod?

Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 1

Vales of what? Cookie domain is different 2 on prod and 3 on stage. mcid is same


Community Advisor

I mean the same value of 2 on both stage and prod.

As mentioned above, unless you have a .co.uk or similar domain, leave this value blank

Cheers from Switzerland!