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Adobe Analytics extension 1.9.4 Release Notes missing


Level 2

Version 1.9.4 of the Adobe Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection was released some time ago, but there are still no corresponding Release Notes at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/tags/extensions/client/analytics/rele... - can this page please be updated?


This is now the third time this has happened and I have posted about it:



3 Replies


Employee Advisor

I’ve raised this with one of our Technical Writing team who will submit the update request to the relevant team, as well as flag the issue internally to ensure we avoid further occurrences. Should expect updates in a matter of hours but can't guarantee exactly when that will be.


Level 3

This is an on going problem that needs to be fixed.


The v1.9.6 of the Adobe Analytics extension has been available within Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection for a while now, but currently the release notes only document up to v1.9.5. Similarly, v3.4.2 of the Core extension has been available for a while, but the release notes only document up to v3.4.1.


We need to know what has changed in a release, so we know what the impacts of the upgrade will be and what will need to be regression tested. Without the release notes, we will be upgrading blindly which is pretty risky, especially since Adobe provides no way to downgrade an extension after it has been upgraded.


Level 1

We need the release notes prior to upgrade.  Upgrades should not be made available without release notes.



