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Adobe Analytics configuration for Adobe Client Data Layer


Level 2

Hi, I am currently using the Adobe Client Data Layer to collect my page data, and I followed the setup for Analytics: Add Adobe Analytics. However, I am not able to see my data through the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, the column "Page Name" is disappeared. My Data Element setup is like this: 





The JavaScript Variable works in my Browser Console, it always shows me the correct Page Name in the Console.


So how and what should I do to show the Page Name in the Debugger?


Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

You should use "pageView.pageTitle" as your Path.

I suggest that you read up on how ACDL works: https://github.com/adobe/adobe-client-data-layer/wiki

View solution in original post

13 Replies


Level 5

Hi @YZ_J 


Simply create data element using custom code - return document.URL;




It is a simple way to capture the page URL. Let me know if this helps.




Level 2

Hi Pankaj,


Thank you for helping!


Yes, that way works for page URL, but I want to get data from the 'adobeDataLayer' instead of the HTML file. For example, I have sent the following information to adobeDataLayer:




How can I get the pageName from the adobeDataLayer?


Thank you!


Community Advisor

Install the Adobe Client Data Layer extension in your property, then use that extension's Computed State data element to get your variable.

The JavaScript variable data element doesn't work because ACDL actually uses its own computed, internal data layer for determining values.


Level 2

Hi Yuhui, 


Thank you for the answer!


I have installed the Adobe Client Data Layer extension and configured the data element as followed:




However, I am still not able to see the data from the debugger, any suggestions for that?


Thank you!


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

You should use "pageView.pageTitle" as your Path.

I suggest that you read up on how ACDL works: https://github.com/adobe/adobe-client-data-layer/wiki


Level 2

Hi Yuhui,


Thank you for helping, it is working fine for me now!


Level 2

Hi Yuhui,


Hope you are well. I want to know for Adobe Analytics, instead of setting up the data element, is there any way that I can get all the data from the adobeDataLayer in a single setup? That will be much easier for me since there are hundreds of data variables and I need to set them up one by one.


Thank you!


Community Advisor

You can leave out the path. Notice that it's marked as "optional" in the UI.

By doing so, the entire data layer will be returned as a single key-value JavaScript object.

But personally speaking, I would take the trouble to setup all of the individual data elements. It would make the property more manageable in future, e.g. to re-use the same data element in more than one place, to change a data element's configuration, to identify where/how data elements are used in rules and extensions, etc. And it's a "one-time job", so no further effort is needed (hopefully) after the initial pain of setting up the hundreds of them.


Level 2

Thanks Yuhui!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

You can utilize the built-in data elements that are generated off the event message if you're setting in the UI for the Adobe Client Data Layer extension.  There is a "fullState" & "message" that capture the values passed in the actual data layer event trigger, with the fullState being the equivalent for the computed data layer data element.


So for your above example, setting %event.fullState.pageView.pageTitle% on a rule that has the event trigger being set from the Adobe Client Data Layer push event will also return the value without needing to create a data element.  The only limitation is it only applies to the ACDL extension event triggering the rule.  I wrote a little write-up guide that goes through some examples as well and includes a cheatsheet that might be helpful: https://www.andylunsford.com/blog/tips-tricks-for-using-the-adobe-client-data-layer-extension/


Level 2

Thanks Andy!


Level 2

While your answer is a tad bit condescending, I went to the wiki. I can say it is sparse and not that informative when someone is looking for details. I think the ACDL is a half finished product and the ext is about the same. 


When installed OOTB with core components nothing in this guide helps and neither does your answer. How would you suggest I achieve getting to dc:title in the code below and just to note, the -XXXXX changes on every page


"page-b2cbbae5dc": {
"@type": "core/components/page/v2/page",
"repo:modifyDate": "2023-08-24T23:00:00Z",
"dc:title": "TITLE",
"dc:description": "DESCRIPTION",
"xdm:template": "/conf/settings/templates/generic",
"xdm:language": "en-US",
"xdm:tags": [],
"repo:path": "/content/home/path.html"


Community Advisor

I believe you're using AEM as your content management system, and AEM's Core Components is configuring ACDL for you. So what you're experiencing is a problem with how AEM implements adobeDataLayer, rather than how ACDL itself works.

Adobe has provided documentation on how to use ACDL with this setup. See  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/integrations/adobe-client-dat.... However, notice that this requires custom coding.

When it comes to AEM, I normally recommend that a custom implementation of ACDL is used rather than letting AEM do it automatically. This allows me to specify exactly what is needed in the data layer for data collection needs. It also does away with non-standard keys like "page-b2cbbae5dc", so that I can make use of standardised paths to get values from ACDL.