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Segments to apply to month 0 in cohort reports (Analysis Workspace)


Level 2


When applying a segment to a cohort report the criteria applies to the entire report timeframe, not just the period in which the cohrot was created. This is a little confusing.

For example say I create a segment with the timeframe last 12 months and the granularity is month. Then I apply a segment with a hits bucket 'hits where page = xxxxxx'. This would generate a report showing all the visitors who viewed the page in month 0, but who then viewed the same page in months 1-11. However, in many cases this is not the kind of insight which is required. It would be better if the criteria 'viewed page x' was for month 0 only and then track the cohort of visitors who return and view any content in months 1-11.

There is a workaround to the current implementation by creating segments with date criteria (e,.g. create a segment where page x was viewed in month x (the cohort creation month) and apply this to the report. However, i don;t feel this is user friendly.

Hence, my idea is to create a button on the cohort report where allows a user to easily switch between whether a segment applies to month 0 or to the entire report time frame.

'Set to month 0 'could be the default logic if most users of Analysis Workspace prefer this as the default option. Perhaps Adobe could track which options users prefer and set the default setting based on this insight.





Thanks for the feedback. We are working on some improvements to the Cohort table one of which is adding multiple segments to both the inclusion and return criteria, which would hopefully address the use case you outline above.