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Processing Rules > Searching Processing Rules


Level 10


I have a big site with multiple of lines of business using a single report suite. And I am very efficient in how I create our processing rules. Nevertheless, the business size translates into a lot of processing rules within which are even more processing rules. I am the only one that creates the rules and I have a good memory. Still, remembering where a given rules is, or if it even exists can be a challenge.


Currently I open all the rules (67 of them) then do a Ctrl-f and do a text search for the context variable, adobe variable, or rule name.


It would be useful to have a less clunky way to search the processing rule list.

  1. This could be a simple as an expand all and collapse all link. Then folks can use a Ctrl-f to find the rule of interest.
  2. I have submitted a previous idea about being able to download the rule list. If this is done, one could text search the downloaded file.
  3. Or it could be a regular text search box that returns the rule number. In this case you would need to number both the rule and each rule element (The Then Do the Following items). Numbering each rule element would also be useful when working with others (such as adobe customer care) to point them to a specific rule.


Community Advisor


The interface is still from 2000, I think, just like the implementation interface itself for the Report Suite.  One would think they would eventually upgrade that, and my deep-rooted fear is they will say that the "upgrade" is the eventual "phasing out" of Adobe Analytics as they move to CJA.  My sincere hope is that they will not do this and actually give us something a bit more robust and faster to use.


Joining you in Living on a Prayer!


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I really like this idea... currently I have a spreadsheet to document my processing rules, and I list all the dimensions / events that are mapped in each one so that if I need to find it quickly (I also have a good memory, but sometimes but it can be hard to recall all instances in a complex setup), I can use my documentation... 


This is a little extra work, but I also use it to denote which rules have changes in QA that aren't yet in prod... but this solution isn't for everyone.


Community Advisor


I hate having to maintain external documentation unless I absolutely have to.  My [hacky] work around for searching processing rules involves using the browser text search and looking at the processing rules history.


All of the problems with using the browser search on the live processing rules screen is that it take forever to expand out all the different sections to enable the browser search to look through the text.  If you use the historic snap shots in the "history" tab of the processing rules it does not take as long to expand everything out as they are just static text in the html.


If you want manually expand everything out, start from the bottom up rather than top down - this way the expand buttons don't keep jumping out of the screen.


However, I've found the quickest way to expand all the sections in a historic snapshot is to paste the following code snippet in the browser console to remove the style attribute that is keeping all of the sections hidden:


var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("ruleset-body");

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

...so in one cut and paste I can expand the 100+ rules we have and then search with the browser text search (ctrl+f).


If I need to search the absolute latest version of the processing rules, I simply force a new version by tweaking one of the comments in the rules and saving (this means the first historic snapshot is actually my latest rules and I can use this to search).


Disclaimer: this is on the hacky side, only use this if you feel confident in what you are doing and don't blame me if it doesn't work/something goes wrong! i.e. use at your own risk


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Nice solution @Andrew_Wathen_ 


I also get it, manual documentation isn't for everyone... I don't really mind, so for me it's just a part of my standard process, but this looks like a great workaround for immediate use.


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@Jennifer_Dungan  - thanks


Apologies if my comment sounded like a criticism (hopefully it didn't, but re-reading I fear it might have!) Obviously creating some additional documentation is a great way of working round this, particularly as you can get additional benefits from it as well - so definitely something people should be considering even if they find a way to search the rules directly




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@Andrew_Wathen_  no apology needed, I didn't read it as such... I agree with you that not everyone wants to do extra work, and your solution (although a hack) is an excellent alternative! (and believe me, I rely on a number of hacks to get things done).


I like that your solution provides a way to use what is there, along with some built-in browser functions to provide an alternative to the separate documentation route


There are many ways to augment the current system, and providing those options gives people some choice (at least while we wait for the suggested improvements)


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LOVE the solution @Andrew_Wathen_, particularly since I am not a career coder, but I know enough to be dangerous.  I will have to save that off to try it sometime.  Meanwhile, the reason I like the external documentation is for organizations where more than one individual is doing the updates or you have turnover.  You just never know who's coming in behind you.  A well-written external document will save them time and also save your existing implementation from getting needlessly scrapped over a small omission.