In order for a customer to be in a position to proactively act on unique exceed and latency, it would be valuable to have a new audit page that would report by company, report suite and by report, the status of latency and unique exceeds including forecasting information. Easy to read green, yellow, red icons, including forecast/recommendation data would be optimal.
Company: Time Inc as of April 23, 2010
Report Suites -> report name Unique Exceed
------------------------------- ----------------------
pages green light (not expected to hit max)
sprop 1 yellow light - 4/29/2010, recommended increase of 250k (date the report is forecasted to go into unique exceeds,
sprop 2 red light - 4/22/2010 (already in)
Report Suites -> report Latency
------------------------------- ----------------------
People.com Latency on:
pages report - 5 hours of latency, expected resolution in 4/23/2010 10:00pm EST.
visits report - 5 hours of latency, expected resolution in 4/23/2010 10:00pm EST.
Instyle.com No Latency
UNIQUE EXCEED: displays the report suites and reports, the status and forecast as well as recommendations. For example, as shown above, if today is 4/23/2010 and sprop1 is not in latency but expected to hit on 4/29, then this is reported along with the recommended increase to prevent unique exceeds from occurring.
LATENCY: Would report all report suites that are in latency and the amount of latency including the estimated time of recovery.