Description - Cross-Device Analytics allows analysts to understand user behaviour across devices, by stitching device data together.
I would like to see this extended to become more of a general "Cross-User-Agent Analytics", where (field-based) stitching works across devices and browsers (and even standalone browsers and in-app browsers in mobile devices).
I would also like to see this extended to all AA SKUs, not just AA Ultimate.
Why is this feature important to you - Given modern browsers' tracking restrictions, it might be more feasible and accurate for clients to provide their own "user ID" that analytics systems can consume. Also, with the proliferation of apps and browsers (standalone and in-app), there are many areas where a common user ID is beneficial to identify actual unique visitors, or "people".
How would you like the feature to work - The client provides its own "user ID" (with Adobe providing a fallback user ID, e.g. with the current Experience Cloud ID Service). AA consumes this user ID and uses it as its own visitor ID. This has the added benefit of AA being able to count Unique Visitors using this client-supplied user ID, instead of a cookie-based visitor ID that is subject to modern browsers' tracking restrictions.
Current Behaviour - Cross-Device Analytics is limited to stitching device data together, but there is no (apparent) impact on counting unique visitors, or even overcoming modern browsers' tracking restrictions.