Description -
Allow the percent change columns of comparing two different time period to update dynamically as the panel date range AND comparison date range update.
Additionally, allow for the option/toggle of showing the change in basis points when comparing percentages like conversion rate and bounce rate.
Why is this feature important to you -
This is imperative as we share reports with business leaders and stakeholders to change the date ranges dynamically and maintain the integrity of the data presented in the report. As it is now without dynamically updating the calculation as EITHER date range changes, the report presents false and misleading data when date ranges are changed for deeper analysis.
How would you like the feature to work -
Ideally the comparison date range would be set at the panel level and allow for only the percent change column to be present in the table (or the comparison period also, it would allow either way to work), and update based on the dates input in the panel date range function, and continue to update as the date ranges are changed during analysis.
It would also be efficient to not have to generate this for each separate metric in the table.
Also would be nice when comparing percentages to allow for a toggle of comparing by basis point change rather than percent change.
Current Behavior -
Currently the percent change period do not update after the initial calculation when the comparison date range is set. If the comparison date range is updated the percent change columns do not update and can present misleading and false data, especially for stakeholders and business leaders who are less familiar with the tool.
Currently I have to set the comparison date range 6 times if I have 6 different metrics in my report. This is tedious and inefficient.
I also do not have a way within the Analytics UI to calculate a basis point change rather than a percentage change.