When clicking on a Frequent Viewed report from the left menu it resets the Metrics and Date Range. They should stay the same and not go back to the defaults.
The same applies for segments - these get dropped from the report when using a link under "Frequently Viewed" or "Report History".
I just chatted to Customer Care on this one - they said it's by design and pointed me to this forum to suggest improving the UX. The majority of our users natural navigate in this way (making them prominent is a great feature of the new nav) but it causes a lot of extra work to re-apply segments, etc.
@drobertson Not to throw Customer Care under the bus on this, but they are wrong and I have no idea where they got that information. This is a bug, and will be fixed in the near future.
This has been fixed in production as of 15 October 2014. All settings and parameters (dates, metrics, segments, etc.) are now correctly maintained when you use Frequently Viewed and Recently Viewed.