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Data Feed support of GCS (Google Cloud Storage)


Level 2


Adobe documentation on Data Feed mentions sftp and S3. I'd like to ask about supporting the Adobe data feed to GCS (Google Cloud Storage). The GCS API is an S3 compliant API. They have a transfer service from S3 as well: https://cloud.google.com/storage/transfer/



Level 1


Through Adobe Engineering Services (ES), part of Adobe Consulting, we are able to provide data feed and other file transfers to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). We have successfully provided to other customers. Also, ES team is working with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) team with a deeper integration to provide data directly into Google Big Query as well. 


Please reach out to your Account Manager/CSM or Consulting Engagement Manager(EM) and happy to get on a call to discuss further to meet your needs.


Level 2


GCS is a good option and yes looking to push to Google Big Query - would like to get to the place where BQC (BigQuery Connector) would be an possibility. We're working very closely with Google so I'd be happy to get on a call. Our AM is also aware of our efforts.