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Customize Calendars for Virtual Report Suites


Level 2


It would be great if you could customize a calendar on the Vi !rtual Report Suite level rather than only on the parent report suite.

Example: Creating a virtual Report suite which has the week starting on Mondays instead of Sunday.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Just adding that there are duplicate requests for this feature out there as well.  Everyone please vote for all three!

My request is to be able to create my own fiscal calendar, with month beginning and end dates that will change every year, because the fiscal start date is in February, and we run 13 four-week fiscal periods.  That means periods literally begin and end in the middle of the month sometimes.

Having the ability to do with in a Virtual Suite makes it easier to leave the root report suite unaffected.

Duplicate ideas:

Virtual Report Suites - Custom Calendar

Customize calendar for VRS