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Autosave workspaces!


Level 2


I have lost hours of work over time using workspaces due to not remembering to press save, after having my attention pulled onto something else. Sometimes workspace tries to accommodate this with its unsaved changes prompt, sort of a 'pick up where you left off' feature, but it doesn't save everything. Just yesterday I lost about 2 hours of work.

An autosave feature saving every few minutes, or after every action, would save significant time. I'm thinking along the lines of cloud services such as Google and Microsoft documents, which cloud save constantly.

I imagine there are resource and usability implications to this, though I would happily accept a second or two of sluggishness now and again to prevent loss of work.

Where a workspace is saved with a name, the autosave would save against the named project.

Where a draft is being worked on, it could be autosaved into a drafts category.

And to throw in some idea creep, perhaps we could get version history added along with this.



Level 8


FYI this older conversation https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/workspace-auto-save-please/id....

Actually, my browser tilted today and I got to see the “recovery window" after getting back into Adobe and that helped me. However, one of my colleague said that she has been struggling a lot with this issue meaning there isn’t always recovery window(?). This happened on situation where Adobe automatically logged out user after time-out and after logging back in there were no recovery window and work was lost. It was not a totally new workspace project. So there might be situations where recovery isn’t always working?

Automatic save would help, but as @Urs_Boller pointed out on previous discussion this isn’t so simple and there are different situations where auto-save might be an issue itself.

Any comments or updates around this issue @jen_lasser?


Employee Advisor


The team and I have documented our auto-save process. Let me actually commit that info to our official Analytics documentation, and then I will share a link here. Once shared, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on our auto-save coverage, and what still might be missing.


Employee Advisor


We've documented our current auto-save process here: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/analytics/analyze/analysis-workspace/build-workspace-project/... . I think the gap you all are highlighting is: For new projects that have never been saved, unsaved changes are not recoverable.


We are exploring closing this gap internally. I'd love to setup a few calls to talk about how you would envision this auto-save workflow to work, to anyone that is interested. Please DM me with your company and email address.



Level 1


Any updates on this topic? I have lost hours of work myself as well, receiving an error  after putting my PC into sleep mode. While I could see the changes on screen, the web-app told me the changes could not be saved and that I should refresh the window and do it again. I didn't imagine Analytics would actually erase all my built segments and work on refresh. I think this is an urgent issue.