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Alphabetically sort the "Where" dropdown on the segment creation screen


Level 2


It would be fantastic if the 100+ values available in the dropdown list when setting segment criteria were actually sorted alphabetically rather than being pseudo-sorted alphabetically (several lists, one after the other, each sorted alphabetically). Or, at the very least, enable filtering (like is available for report suite selection and report searching). Either would be fine, but needing to scroll through the list to find an "S...." value because "the S's" show up in multiple spots in the sequence, seems a little silly.





I want to make sure I'm seeing what you're seeing. I see three "sub-lists."


The individual variables/dimensions/reports

Custom Conversion N [instance of eVarN]

Total [metric[


Is that what you're seeing? Do you see any other sub-lists?


Level 2


Well...almost. Here's the list I'm seeing for one client. The Totals, as I read it, are interspersed with the Custom Conversion N.


Of course, this raises another issue (idea?) -- the fact that the user needs to "learn the lists" and find the "right list" is odd. If I need to select the container type, why wouldn't I need to select the "type of 'Where'"? I mean, a dropdown list of this length is just unwieldy.



'# of Search Results (prop8)';
'Add To Cart Location (eVar67)';
'Album (prop4)';
'Artist (eVar4)';
'Artist (prop1)';
'Asset Type (eVar14)';
'Asset Type (eVar70)';
'Audience Research (prop50)';
'Audio Title (eVar18)';
'Audio Title (prop36)';
'Blog Author (eVar23)';
'Blog Author (prop23)';
'Blog Category (eVar27)';
'Blog Category (prop27)';
'Blog Name (eVar24)';
'Blog Name (prop24)';
'Blog Post Date (eVar26)';
'Blog Post Date (prop26)';
'Blog Post Title (eVar25)';
'Blog Post Title (prop25)';
'Browser Height';
'Browser Type';
'Browser Width';
'Clicks to Page';
'Clothing Size';
'Connection Type';
'Cookie ID (eVar38)';
'Cookie ID (prop38)';
'Coupon Code (eVar48)';
'Coupon Code (prop48)';
'Creative Elements';
'Cross Selling Page (eVar65)';
'Cross Selling Product (eVar66)';
'Customer Loyalty';
'Custom Insight 20 (prop20)';
'Custom Insight 33 (prop33)';
'Custom Link';
'Day of the Week (eVar10)';
'Day of the Week (prop10)';
'Days Before First Purchase';
'Days Since Last Purchase';
'Days Since Last Visit (eVar46)';
'Days Since Last Visit (prop44)';
'Email Newsletter (eVar16)';
'Email Newsletter Type (prop16)';
'Email Tracking Code (eVar2)';
'Entry Page';
'Error Message (eVar49)';
'Error Message (prop49)';
'Exit Link';
'Exit Page';
'Fan Acquisition Source (eVar43)';
'Fan Club Member (prop14)';
'FB Age (eVar55)';
'FB Country (eVar57)';
'FB Friend Count (eVar54)';
'FB Gender (eVar56)';
'FB Referrer (eVar73)';
'File Download';
'First Touch Channel';
'First Touch Channel Detail';
'Friendly Site Name';
'Friendly Site Name';
'GCDM_ID (eVar60)';
'GCDM_ID (prop60)';
'Geo Segmentation (eVar37)';
'Geo Segmentation (prop) (prop37)';
'GeoSegmentation City';
'GeoSegmentation Country';
'GeoSegmentation Demographic Area';
'GeoSegmentation Region/States';
'Hour of Day (eVar9)';
'Hour of Day (prop9)';
'Int\'l Detected vs Selected Country (prop59)';
'Int\'l Toaster - Filter Location (prop53)';
'Int\'l Toaster - Location Filter (eVar53)';
'Internal Search Term (eVar7)';
'Internal Search Term (prop7)';
'Internal Tracking Code (eVar1)';
'Intl Toaster - Detected/Selected Country (eVar59)';
'JavaScript Version';
'Label (eVar5)';
'Label (prop2)';
'Last Touch Channel';
'Last Touch Channel Detail';
'List Variable 3 (mVar47)';
'Logged In/Logged Out (eVar51)';
'Logged In/Logged Out (prop51)';
'Magento Customer ID (prop19)';
'Messageboard Category (eVar28)';
'Messageboard Category (prop28)';
'Messageboard Post (eVar30)';
'Messageboard Post (prop30)';
'Messageboard Topic (eVar29)';
'Messageboard Topic (prop29)';
'Mobile Audio Support';
'Mobile Browser URL Length';
'Mobile Carrier';
'Mobile Color Depth';
'Mobile Cookie Support';
'Mobile Decoration Mail Support';
'Mobile Device Name';
'Mobile Device Number Transmit (ON/OFF)';
'Mobile Device Type';
'Mobile DRM';
'Mobile Image Support';
'Mobile Information Services';
'Mobile Java VM';
'Mobile Manufacturer';
'Mobile Max Bookmark URL Length';
'Mobile Max Mail URL Length';
'Mobile Net Protocols';
'Mobile OS';
'Mobile PTT';
'Mobile Screen Height';
'Mobile Screen Size';
'Mobile Screen Width';
'Mobile Video Support';
'Monitor Color Depth';
'Monitor Resolution';
'Netscape Plug-In';
'New/Repeat Visitor (eVar15)';
'New/Repeat Visitor (prop43)';
'Next Page';
'Operating System';
'Optimizely Test Variations (eVar74)';
'Original Entry Page';
'Original Referring Domain';
'Page Category (prop21)';
'Page Depth (eVar39)';
'Page Detail (prop22)';
'Page Name (eVar21)';
'Page Name to correlate (prop18)';
'Page Not Found';
'Paid Search Tracking Code (eVar3)';
'Path Length';
'Payment Method (eVar68)';
'Percent Page Viewed (prop41)';
'Previous Page (prop39)';
'Previous Page';
'Product Category';
'Product Finding Method (eVar61)';
'Product Subcategory';
'Product Title';
'Product Type';
'Purchase ID (eVar40)';
'Purchase ID (prop40)';
'Purchase ID';
'Referrer Type';
'Referring Domain';
'Return Frequency';
'RSID (classified)';
'RSID (classified)';
'RSID (eVar75)';
'RSID (prop) (prop75)';
'RSID (prop17)';
'Search Engine';
'Search Keyword';
'Server (eVar22)';
'Ship-To Country (eVar58)';
'Shipping Method (eVar69)';
'Site Section';
'Social Analytics - Authors (eVar41)';
'Social Analytics - Social Platforms (eVar72)';
'Social Analytics - Terms (eVar71)';
'Social Properties - Social Analytics (eVar20)';
'Song (prop3)';
'Sub-Label (eVar13)';
'Sub Label (prop6)';
'Testing Variable (prop45)';
'Time Spent on Page';
'Time Spent on Site';
'Time Zone';
'Toaster Type (eVar52)';
'Top Level Domain';
'Tracking Code';
'URL (prop13)';
'User Home Page';
'User ID (eVar12)';
'User ID (prop12)';
'Video Content Type (eVar36)';
'Video Event (eVar35)';
'Video Event (prop32)';
'Video Player ID (eVar34)';
'Video Player ID (prop34)';
'Video Playlist ID (eVar33)';
'Video Segments (eVar17)';
'Video Title (eVar6)';
'Video Title (prop5)';
'Video Title ID (eVar31)';
'Video Title ID (prop31)';
'Video URL (eVar32)';
'Video URL (prop35)';
'Visit Number';
'Visit Number (eVar50)';
'Visit Number (prop42)';
'Visitor Id';
'Weekend/Weekday (eVar11)';
'Weekend/Weekday (prop11)';
'ZIP/Postal Code';
"Add To Cart Location (Instance of evar67)";
"Artist (Instance of evar4)";
"Asset Type (Instance of evar14)";
"Asset Type (Instance of evar70)";
"Audio Title (Instance of evar18)";
"Blog Author (Instance of evar23)";
"Blog Category (Instance of evar27)";
"Blog Name (Instance of evar24)";
"Blog Post Date (Instance of evar26)";
"Blog Post Title (Instance of evar25)";
"Cookie ID (Instance of evar38)";
"Coupon Code (Instance of evar48)";
"Cross Selling Page (Instance of evar65)";
"Cross Selling Product (Instance of evar66)";
"Day of the Week (Instance of evar10)";
"Days Since Last Visit (Instance of evar46)";
"Email Newsletter (Instance of evar16)";
"Email Tracking Code (Instance of evar2)";
"Error Message (Instance of evar49)";
"Fan Acquisition Source (Instance of evar43)";
"FB Age (Instance of evar55)";
"FB Country (Instance of evar57)";
"FB Friend Count (Instance of evar54)";
"FB Gender (Instance of evar56)";
"FB Referrer (Instance of evar73)";
"GCDM_ID (Instance of evar60)";
"Geo Segmentation (Instance of evar37)";
"Hour of Day (Instance of evar9)";
"Int\'l Toaster - Location Filter (Instance of evar53)";
"Internal Search Term (Instance of evar7)";
"Internal Tracking Code (Instance of evar1)";
"Intl Toaster - Detected/Selected Country (Instance of evar59)";
"Label (Instance of evar5)";
"Logged In/Logged Out (Instance of evar51)";
"Messageboard Category (Instance of evar28)";
"Messageboard Post (Instance of evar30)";
"Messageboard Topic (Instance of evar29)";
"New/Repeat Visitor (Instance of evar15)";
"Optimizely Test Variations (Instance of evar74)";
"Page Depth (Instance of evar39)";
"Page Name (Instance of evar21)";
"Paid Search Tracking Code (Instance of evar3)";
"Payment Method (Instance of evar68)";
"Product Finding Method (Instance of evar61)";
"Purchase ID (Instance of evar40)";
"RSID (Instance of evar75)";
"Server (Instance of evar22)";
"Ship-To Country (Instance of evar58)";
"Shipping Method (Instance of evar69)";
"Social Analytics - Authors (Instance of evar41)";
"Social Analytics - Social Platforms (Instance of evar72)";
"Social Analytics - Terms (Instance of evar71)";
"Social Properties - Social Analytics (Instance of evar20)";
"Sub-Label (Instance of evar13)";
"Toaster Type (Instance of evar52)";
"Total Add to Wishlist";
"Total Audio Complete";
"Total Audio Start";
"Total Blog Posts";
"Total Bounce Rate - Click Past";
"Total Bounce Rate - Entries";
"Total Campaign Click-throughs";
"Total Cart Additions";
"Total Cart Opens";
"Total Cart Removals";
"Total Cart Views";
"Total Checkout Billing";
"Total Checkout Review";
"Total Checkouts";
"Total Checkout Shipping";
"Total Comments";
"Total Cross-Sell Clicks";
"Total FB Page Likes";
"Total FB Page Post Comments";
"Total FB Page Post Likes";
"Total FB Page Post Views";
"Total FB Page Views";
"Total Impressions";
"Total Logins";
"Total Mentions - Social Analytics";
"Total Null Searches";
"Total Orders";
"Total Page View";
"Total Photo/Video Submission";
"Total Posts";
"Total Potential Audience - Social Analtytics";
"Total Product Views";
"Total Product Views (Custom)";
"Total Registrations";
"Total Revenue";
"Total S&H";
"Total Search";
"Total Subscriptions";
"Total Tax";
"Total Total Sentiment - Social Analytics";
"Total Tweet: From Song Page";
"Total Units";
"Total Video Completes";
"Total Video Player Load";
"Total Video Segment View";
"Total Video Starts";
"Total Video Time";
"User ID (Instance of evar12)";
"Video Content Type (Instance of evar36)";
"Video Event (Instance of evar35)";
"Video Player ID (Instance of evar34)";
"Video Playlist ID (Instance of evar33)";
"Video Segments (Instance of evar17)";
"Video Title (Instance of evar6)";
"Video Title ID (Instance of evar31)";
"Video URL (Instance of evar32)";
"Visit Number (Instance of evar50)";
"Weekend/Weekday (Instance of evar11)";




Um. . . yeah. When you copy and paste it like that, it really hammers the point home. We're aware of the need for better segment management, and this helps clarify another element that we should consider. We'll keep watching for votes and comments, as well. Thanks Tim!


Level 5


The SC left-hand menu is doing a decent job in sorting the reports. It even allows for customization to group by different dimensions than s.prop/eVar/Mobile.

And it is a structure users are already familiar with when they start segmenting (hopefully).


Totals would need a copy of the "Site Metrics" folder.


"Instances of ..." ... hm ... don't know.


so long
