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"Pages then Pages" Time Spent per Visit (seconds)


Level 2

I created the "Pages then Pages" segment, but why does it show only one page when I break it down by Pages after filtering by Visitor ID?
From what I understand, since it's a journey involving two pages, there should be at least two page views, so this seems strange...
What I wanted was to calculate the stay time for "Pages then Pages," but when I just look at the Visits, it only shows one page when broken down by Page, which seems odd.

Also, could you explain the difference between Time Spent per Visit (seconds) and Average Time on Site?



2 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hmm that is strange... I tried something similar and I couldn't replicate... however, is it possible that your "Visitor ID" is changing between hits? So that the actual "UV" identification of the user is watching their journey, but somehow the ID that you are recording isn't holding, and therefore is causing issues?


Or maybe "Page 1" was technically seen in December, while "Page 2" was seen in Jan (and so the page 1 is not shown due to the date range)?



Average Time on Site and Average Time per Visit (seconds) are both a calculation of the visit length based on the timestamp... one is presented in "time" format (i.e. 00:23:07), the other is shown as "seconds" (i.e. 23.13)... if you create a new calculated metric using Average Time per Visit (seconds) and set it to "Time", it should match the Average Time on Site:





That said, when you are dealing with segments, sometimes I've found some oddities with the calculations, but more so with the "total" time metrics (which also do some adjustments for bounces) (See https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-questions/time-spent-and-segment/m-...)


But I think the average ones are both fairly stable.... 


Level 2

Thank you for your response, Jennifer!


Hmm... First of all, pages 1 and 2 are recorded as a transition within one visit (page 1 -> page 2), so I don't think the issue is related to the date range. Both pages occurred in January...

What I wanted to do was calculate the time spent on page 2 immediately after visiting page 1, but when I break it down, it shows a different page instead of the two pages, and the page view is showing 0, which seems very strange. I’m confused as to why this issue is happening…

The visitor ID hasn’t changed between hits, so it’s really odd...