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Product syntax and conversion events - setting a numeric success event


Level 3

Hi there,

I have a success event (event1) as "Numeric" in Adobe Analytics. I set it in s.products as



I have another event (event2) as "Numeric" as well. I set it in s.products as



As you can see, I have included event#=1 in the first, but not the second. This code is already published to production.

Does a "Numeric" success event require a value associated with it in s.products to function correctly? I need these events to count up by 1 every time the event is included in s.products.

Both event1 and event2 produce non-zero metrics in Reports but I'm not sure if they are counting all instances. Am not sure if these two events are set correctly / differently in some other section of the site so that these non-zero metrics are coming from there.


2 Replies


Employee Advisor

Are you always using integers to set your numeric events? If so, you can set them back to standard, as 'event1=5' is supported for standard custom events (as long as they're integers).

I haven't tested numeric events without a count, but I anticipate that they default to 1 if there isn't an equals sign after them.


Employee Advisor

Hi Shekeb, were you able to make any progress with your custom events implementation?