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[Mentor Ezhil Raja] Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Ezhil Raja (aka @ezhil_raja), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Developer Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E213)through to the end of the program. 

Meet your Mentor:


Aspirants mapped to Mentor, Ezhil,@ezhil_raja

  1. Ragulraj
  2. ChaithraN1
  3. Suresh Aski
  4. Sumit30908642ioye 
  5. Divyakant1
  6. VilasPatil
  7. rameshpennam 
  8. GuilhermeCu

How to participate 

  1. Aspirants’ goal is to clear their Adobe Analytics Certification during the duration of the program: July 24th, 2024 – September 4th, 2024.
  2. Aspirants: Post your Questions in this thread to connect with Mentor, Ezhil,@ezhil_raja, and your fellow Aspirant peers.  *You are all preparing for the same Certification, so feel free to use this space to share what you’re learning and collaborate! 

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot so that you can stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program
  • Introduce yourself to Ezhil and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe Analytics  
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Analytics Developer Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E213)
  • Test your Analytics knowledge by browsing through the Adobe Analytics Community Questions and taking your best shot at answering some Qs!
  • Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and in the Analytics Community throughout the duration of the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

Quick links 


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

55 Replies


Level 4

yes, it seems that the link is broken, and you can refer to this page https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/aa/aa-prof... in the meantime till the page is back up.


Level 3

Hi @ezhil_raja,


I got the below questions while going through the  Section 1: Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Eco-system, could you please clarify?


  • How and where to find ECID (MID) on a site?
  • Does ECID identifies a visitor as unique visitor if a user visits through different browsers like Chrome and Mozilla on the same device?
  • Does ECID identifies a visitor as unique visitor if a user visits through multiple devices like desktop and mobile?
  • What all information a Cookie contain and is there anything that a site owner should do to make these work?
  • Does analytics track visitor data when a user disables support of JavaScript in browsers?
  • What happens to ECID when a user resets his/her history, cookies etc.?
  • Track users across domains (different domains) – What all configurations that a cross domain (XYZ.com) contains that are similar to the main domain (ABC.com) to map a visitor as a same user across these domains?
  • What is CNAME?
  • There is a content on ‘Experience Manager Sites Authoring’ under the section 1, so will there be any question asked on certification exam on AEM too? (Sharing an image below for ref).
    • rameshpennam_0-1722794541604.png



Level 4

Hi Ramesh,


You can see ECID in the applications tab in developer tools. Filter for s_ecid in the list of cookies shown for the website. ECIDs will be different on different browsers on the same or different system, however ID synchronization is possible when user signs into the applications with an enterprise id. When a user clears cookies, all visitor history will be deleted from the system.


Regarding CNAME, you can refer to this documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/id-service/using/reference/analytics-reference/cname and there wont be any AEM questions and you can exclude any such content while preparing.


Level 3

thanks @ezhil_raja, this helps.


Level 4

Week 1 Question:

Which of the following statements about the Experience Cloud Identity Service are true?

  1. It helps uniquely identify a visitor on a device across multiple applications.
  2. It sets a first-party cookie in the customer's domain to ensure tracking on the same domain.
  3. It receives aliases and ID mappings from Experience Cloud customers and partners.
  4. It manages ID synchronization within the Experience Cloud.
  5. It supports ID synchronization with different third parties across the ad tech ecosystem.


Level 3

Hi @ezhil_raja,


The answer is all of the listed options 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.



Level 4

thats correct @rameshpennam all 5 are true


Level 4

Week 3 Question:

Where are success events configured in an Adobe Analytics Report Suite?

  1. Report Suite -> Edit Settings -> Traffic -> Success Events
  2. Report Suite -> Edit Settings -> Conversions -> Success Events
  3. Report Suite -> Edit Settings -> General -> Success Events 


Level 3



The answer is option 2.


2. Report Suite -> Edit Settings -> Conversions -> Success Events


Level 2

Answer is option 2 : Report Suite -> Edit Settings -> Conversions -> Success Events


Level 4

@rameshpennam @ChaithraN1 thanks for your response, and both of you are correct


Level 4

I believe you are actively preparing for your analytics certification and are on track. In case if you have any questions or clarifications, please share here...


Level 2

@ezhil_raja Is it possible to have a bi-weekly call for topics to discuss and for QnA session ?


Level 4

@ChaithraN1 as per the program guidelines, all conversations should happen only on these threads and unfortunately we cannot schedule any calls outside of this thread


Level 1

Hi @ezhil_raja 

I have some doubts regarding certification. Recently, I took the certification exam but unfortunately, I failed by just 3 marks. I thoroughly reviewed the exam preparation guide and completed all the practice tests, scoring 47/47 in those practice tests. I also used some third-party question dumps. However, the actual exam was quite different from the preparation guide, with questions related to mobile APIs that I wasn’t expecting. How should I prepare for the exam if the content seems to vary so much from the preparation guide?


Level 4

Hi @Ragulraj

AD0-E213 is a professional level certification and the complexity of the questions is relatively lesser and the exam guide is quiet comprehensive and you can with the same and also the analytics product documentation. Please refer to this link here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/aa/aa-prof... and APIs are in scope under Section 5. As far as I know, there is no mobile api related questions, and one or two generic simple ones are expected.


I suggest you read the questions a little more and try again during your next attempt, and i'm sure you'll clear it. All the best!!


Level 4

Week 4 Question:

When setting up marketing channels, which two channels are available as part of the auto setup wizard? (Choose 2)

  1. Direct
  2. Natural Search
  3. Media
  4. Newsletter


Level 3



These are the two most common channels available in most auto setup wizards for marketing.

  1. Direct: Represents traffic that comes directly to your website without clicking on any links or ads.
  2. Natural Search: Refers to organic search traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, etc.


Level 3





2.Natural Search



This type of traffic is categorized under the "Direct" channel because the user did not arrive at your site via a referring source like another website or a search engine.
Natural Search
Traffic from non-paid search engine results is categorized under "Natural Search" or "Organic Search.


Level 4

both of you are correct


Level 4

Hi All,


Hope you are preparing and getting ready to take the exam - now it's time to take the next step! Please fill this form to apply for a 50% off voucher for your Adobe certifications.




Suresh Aski




