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[Mentor Anu Abraham] Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Anu (aka @anu_abraham), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Developer Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E209)through to the end of the program. 

Meet your Mentor:


Anu Abraham.png

Aspirants mapped to Mentor, Arun @anu_abraham

  1. krishna_sai
  2. PailaHemanth
  3. Murlidhar Mahato
  4.  Jitty Thomas
  5. ansariinzamam
  6. santhosh_mr
  7. vps06

How to participate 

  1. Aspirants’ goal is to clear their Adobe Analytics Certification during the duration of the program: July 24th, 2024 – September 4th, 2024.
  2. Aspirants: Post your Questions in this thread to connect with Mentor, Anu (@anu_abraham), and your fellow Aspirant peers.  *You are all preparing for the same Certification, so feel free to use this space to share what you’re learning and collaborate! 

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot so that you can stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program
  • Introduce yourself to Anu and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe Analytics  
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Analytics Developer Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E209)
  • Test your Analytics knowledge by browsing through the Adobe Analytics Community Questions and taking your best shot at answering some Qs!
  • Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and in the Analytics Community throughout the duration of the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

Quick links 

71 Replies


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham I am not sure but i will go with A i.e. The number of the unique visitors will not change.

Correct me if I am wrong.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's correct Jitty! Good job!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@PailaHemanth @krishna_sai @Jitty_Thomas1 


Appreciate your effort in answering the quiz! The correct answer is A.

I understand this question could be a bit confusing due to the lack of specific details in the context. If the options had mentioned factors like the possibility of a temporary spike, changes in domain setup, or transitioning from a third-party to a first-party cookie setup, then the correct answer could have been C.

So, both A - UVs will not change and C - UVs might increase could be technically correct depending on the scenario. However, based on the details(or for lack of details) given in the question, A is the more appropriate answer.

Once again, thanks for your active participation! 

Also, please feel free to post your queries related to Section 1 and Section 2 in the respective threads created. I'll share the thread for Section 3 shortly.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06

Since we've 2 sections in our current week's plan, I'm sharing the second Quiz below:

Quiz 2

A solution design reference document says that an Adobe Analytics variable should be populated on all pages.
What are two methods that could be used to meet this requirement? (Choose two.)

A. Set the variable in the Global Variables section of the Adobe Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Launch.

B. Push the value for the variable into the data layer which is present on every page.

C. Set the variable in the Adobe Analytics: Set Variables action of a page load rule in Adobe Experience Platform Launch that fires on every page.

D. Create a data element in Adobe Experience Platform Launch that matches the name of the variable, and it will be populated automatically.

Please share your answers below.


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham 

My Answers would be A. Set the variable in the Global Variables section of the Adobe Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Launch and C. Set the variable in the Adobe Analytics: Set Variables action of a page load rule in Adobe Experience Platform Launch that fires on every page.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's correct! Good job, Jitty!


Community Advisor

A and C


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yes, You got it right! Good job, Krishna!


Level 2



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Hemath, your response is partially correct with A being one of the correct options.
D is not correct since creating a Data element alone won't fire it in page loads. The data element should be mapped to an Analytics variable either through the Analytics extension settings or via a global page load rule to fire in all the pages.


Level 2

Option A and C
A - we can leverage Analytics extension, global variable to populate the variable for every sever call. OR

C - You can create a rule, set variables action of a page load rule in Adobe Launch that fires on every page.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's correct! Good job, Inzamam!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Section 3: Analytics Implementation and Configuration (36%)

  • Determine which environment to deploy Adobe Analytics Code
  • Execute a minimal deployment code for Analytics tracking
  • Configure various components within Adobe Analytics UI
  • Configure Adobe Analytics report suite and variable settings
  • Utilize a data layer within a deployment
  • Execute advanced tracking features such as link tracking and product strings

Please post all your queries related to this section by replying to this thread. This section carries significant weightage at 36%, so be sure to give it extra attention. If you’re not familiar with product string and related settings, I strongly recommend reviewing them in detail, since that's an important topic.

cc: @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06

Hope your preparation for this section is going well. Please post any queries related to this section as a reply to this thread and we'll go through it.

Also, please let me know if you need additional questions for this section to practice. I can add bonus Quiz questions for thsi section if required.

If you've time, I'd also recommend going through Experience League playlists for Analytics implementation. I'm sharing a URL below with filters applied with Developer and Administration roles.

Adobe Analytics ExL Playlists


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06

Hope your certification preparation is going well! I’m sharing our third quiz below. I’ll share one more quiz from this section once most of you have attempted this one.

Quiz 3

What is the correct syntax for the `s.products` variable?

A. s.products=";ENO DoubleNest Hammock;1;100.00"

B. s.product=";Corduroy Blazer;1;709.99"

C. s.products=";Geo Camper Tent;1;$300.49"


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham 

s.products variable has six elements, in the above question excluding merchandising evar and event the correct syntax would be A.

Option B right hand side is correct but left hand side has only s.product.

Option C:$ is not required.


This is my understanding correct me if i am wrong.


Level 2

Good day Anu,

correct answer is A.
product string syntax --> s.products = "category;product;Qty;TotalPrice;Incrementor;merchandising"

for options provided we don't have category, that's why it's left blank.



Level 2

Answer is A

The s.products variable is a string that contains multiple delimited fields per product. Delimit each field with a semicolon (;) in the string.

Category (optional),Product name (required),Quantity (optional),Price (optional),Events (optional),eVars (optional).


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Great job, Jitty_Thomas1ansariinzamamPailaHemanth! The correct answer is A. You all have explianed the logic behind this as well. Glad to see you all got this one correct!

I'll share one more question from this section soon!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06

Here is the next quiz from Section 3.

Quiz 4:

The client requires that the shopping cart be tracked every time it has a product added, as well as when it is opened for the first time.
How would the 's.events' variable be coded when the shopping cart has a product added the first time?

A. s.events = "scOpen,scView";

B. s.events = "scOpen,scAdd";

C. s.events = "scAdd:scOpen";


Level 2

Good day Anu


correct option should be B, where we'll capture cart open and add events.