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[Mentor Anu Abraham] Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Anu (aka @anu_abraham), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Developer Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E209)through to the end of the program. 

Meet your Mentor:


Anu Abraham.png

Aspirants mapped to Mentor, Arun @anu_abraham

  1. krishna_sai
  2. PailaHemanth
  3. Murlidhar Mahato
  4.  Jitty Thomas
  5. ansariinzamam
  6. santhosh_mr
  7. vps06

How to participate 

  1. Aspirants’ goal is to clear their Adobe Analytics Certification during the duration of the program: July 24th, 2024 – September 4th, 2024.
  2. Aspirants: Post your Questions in this thread to connect with Mentor, Anu (@anu_abraham), and your fellow Aspirant peers.  *You are all preparing for the same Certification, so feel free to use this space to share what you’re learning and collaborate! 

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot so that you can stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program
  • Introduce yourself to Anu and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe Analytics  
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Analytics Developer Expert Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E209)
  • Test your Analytics knowledge by browsing through the Adobe Analytics Community Questions and taking your best shot at answering some Qs!
  • Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and in the Analytics Community throughout the duration of the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

Quick links 

71 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's correct, Inzamam! Good job!


Level 2

I am confused about choosing between B and C


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

No worries, Hemanth! The correct option is B.

Your approach is correct eliminating A and trying to decide between B and C. Since it specifically mentions 'shopping cart has a product added the first time', option B is usually how it gets set. Also, if you carefully observe, the syntax in option C contains ':' instead of ','.

I'm sharing few URL related to various events and carts metric. Hope this helps!

Events Overview

Carts Metric


Community Advisor

@anu_abraham seems like above urls were trimmed. Can you update them again with proper URL's





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@krishna_sai  It should've opened in a new tab once you click on that. I've re-linked it now. Could you please check now?


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham 


  • My answer would be B.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's correct, Jitty! Good job!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Section 4: Tag management systems (20%)

  • Enumerate requirements to deploy Adobe Experience Platform Launch in Adobe Analytics
  • Apply processes to configure website tagging with Adobe Launch
  • Enumerate requirements to enable extensions and Adobe Launch
  • Create rules and data elements

Please add all your queries related to this section by replying to this thread.

cc: @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Team

As discussed during the kickoff call, here is the form to get the 50% off voucher for the certification. This is a form for mentorship program aspirants to apply for a 50% off voucher for their planned certifications. Adobe team will be using this to determine eligibility, and will be selecting candidates based on participation in the program. Please fill this form by August 25, 2024.

Please let me know in case if you've any queries. Thanks!


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham 

I will be leaving my current organization on September 19,2024.Will it have any impact on my adobe account? Do I need to provide my personal mail id for this voucher?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @Jitty_Thomas1 ,

If you're planning to do the certification before that, it should be fine to give your current company email address. Otherwise, I think it is fine to use your personal email ID and then create an Adobe account with that and use it for scheduling the exam. But will request @seanrobinson  and @NimashaJain to confirm.

If you've any existing certification in your current company email based Adobe account, it'll be better to contact SPP help to transfer your company based account to your personal Adobe account. You can then add your new company email ID in your profile details once you join the new company. I've done this when I moved out of my last company and it worked for me, all my previous certifications were carried over to the new account. 

@seanrobinson @NimashaJain Could you please further clarify on Jitty's query above?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Team


I'm adding the topics for Section 5 below as we had scoped this section also for Week 3. 

Section 5: Mobile services (8%)

  • Apply processes to configure and execute a base pre-deployment code for mobile
  • Demonstrate understanding of processing rules and mobile services


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

This is relatively a small section in terms of weightage. But please make sure to go through these topics from the Exam Guide.

Since we've 2 sections this week, I'll be adding 2 questions one each from Section 4 and Section 5. Please let me know if you need more questions for the quiz.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Team


Here is the first question for this week:

Quiz 5


An Adobe Analytics conversion variable, traffic variable, and event are used to track when the user logs in and logs out. The technical specification document says to use Adobe Experience Platform Launch to populate the Adobe Analytics variables with the correct value.

Where would the value "logged in" or "logged out" come from to populate these variables?

A. Data Element

B. Library

C. Extension


Community Advisor

A. Data Element


We first push the necessary data to datalayer and then read those value in Data Elements in tag property which in turn can be used to set evar, prop.




Level 2

Option A - Data Element 


Level 2

Hi @anu_abraham 

Answer is option A. Data Element.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Good job, @krishna_sai @ansariinzamam @Jitty_Thomas1 ! Option AData Element is the correct answer!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Team @krishna_sai@PailaHemanth@MurlidharMa@Jitty_Thomas1@ansariinzamam@santhosh_mrvps06


Here is the second question for this week:

Quiz 6

Which of the following is not part of the lifecycle metrics in Mobile App Analytics?


A. Launches

B. First Launches

C. Resolution


Level 2

Good day Anu,


If I'm not mistaken all the given options are part of lifecycle metrics. Please advice.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi Inzamam, 
Option C, Resolution is the correct answer. It is not part of the lifecycle metrics but is a dimension. But yes, all three are part of lifecycle metrics and dimnesions combined.