Hello Analytics community and implementation experts! With 2020 drawing to a close, I wanted to resurface an issue we saw crop up at the beginning of the year. This is simply a precautionary warning to make sure that you don't experience any JavaScript errors and data loss when 2021 rolls around.
In older versions of the getTimeParting plug-in, years were hardcoded in to help accommodate some daylight savings logic. While this issue was fixed well ahead of time, many implementations did not have the latest version of the plug-in, and had to scramble to update their plug-in code.
With that said, please take a couple minutes to review your Analytics implementation, particularly around the getTimeParting plug-in.
- If you deployed this plug-in through the Common Analytics Plugins extension in Adobe Experience Platform Launch, great! No action is needed at this time.
- If you're on v6.2, great! You're on the latest version, and no action is needed at this time.
- If you're on v5.0 or above, Adobe recommends upgrading to the latest version. While you won't be adversely affected by the DST issue, it is a good practice to use the latest version.
- If you use a getTimeParting plug-in below v5.0, Adobe strongly recommends upgrading to the latest version to avoid JavaScript errors and data loss. If upgrading this plug-in is not feasible, make sure that the s.tpdst variable in the plug-in code contains the appropriate years in the future. This variable is not present in the latest version of the plug-in.
If you have any questions about this, please reply here in the discussion and I'll do what I can to assist. I hope everyone has a happy, safe and healthy holiday season!